Naomi's past

Pete handed Naomi a can of soda and she accepted it. She sat on the bench without uttering a single word. Her expression was outright down. He sat down next to her and just remained quiet for a while.

"You want to talk about it?" He finally asked but she gave no response. "It's alright if you don't want to say it though."

"It's true." She finally spoke up in a really lifeless manner. "My name is Annabell, Abigail is my sister and Logan is… my ex." She explained which surprised Pete but he kept his expression and questions to himself and just listened to what she had to say. "I lived half of my life in Australia. My mother, myself and my twin sister Abigail. My dad died in a plane crash leaving just the three of us. I always knew my mother loved my sister more but I didn't object."

She covered her face and sighed.

"I did everything in my power to make her recognize me but it was all futile. Abi was a straight-A student, proud and arrogant. Beautiful and social but I was the opposite. I didn't excel as much as she did and the only thing I was ever good at was sports. That was where my happiness lay. So I buried myself in it, until I met Logan. I was just 15 and immature but I fell for him. I fell really deep and thought he felt the same. Other than sports, he was the second thing that ever gave me happiness in this world and I thought it would last but… I was wrong."


News circulated around the school that Abigail and Logan were dating. Anna didn't want to believe it and decided to ask him in person. She trusted him too much to listen to the words of other people.

"Would I ever lie to you?" Logan asked and she shook her head. "Believe me when I say that we're merely dating and there's nothing to it. I don't love her at all. You're the one I love." He said and they alone gave her an assurance. She didn't mind the news that was going around, all she knew was that Logan was in love with her, alone!

Soon after, Logan and Abi started hanging out more often. It overshadowed the number of times they went out and Anna started feeling lonely.

She went home one day to hear Abi and their mother talking.

"Logan is too handsome for sister. He deserves a pretty girl like me, don't you think mother?" Abigail asked her mother.

"Yes, yes. My darling is the most beautiful in the world. Surely Logan is not blind. It's about time you convince him to officially break up with your sister. Don't let her stain your good relationship." Their mother said and Anna's eyes widened in shock.

Her own mother didn't want her happiness. She only thought of Abi and didn't worry if she suffered at all. Tears whelmed up in her eyes as she made her presence known to the both of them. But on seeing her, instead of looking surprised or remorseful, they rolled their eyeballs.

"If he breaks up with me, what will I do then?" She burst out crying.

"There are other boys in the world. Can't you just let your sister be happy? You're older by a few minutes, just let her have him." She casually said. "It's just a little sacrifice."

"Sacrifice." She repeated and clenched her fists tightly. She was very angry and felt really wronged. "When has she ever sacrificed for me, huh? Why should I sacrifice my only happiness for her?!" She shouted and her mother immediately slapped her without a hint of remorse in her face.

"Never raise your voice at me, you're just a good-for-nothing." Her mother accused her.

"Good-for-nothing! Good-for-nothing! Good-for-nothing!" The words rang in her head as she finally realized that no matter what she did, she could never get her mother's favor or love. Then what was the point of staying there?

Anna turned to leave with tears flowing down her cheeks. She headed straight for the door and went to Logan's place. As soon as he opened the door, she threw herself at him, kissing him without restraint. It took a while before she finally calmed down.

"Did something happen?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I just..." She shook her head. "Will you have sex with me?" She requested which was completely not expected. He wanted to decline but her pleading eyes were just so pathetic.

He knew something went wrong back home but he couldn't ask, so he just gave her what she wanted.

Anna knew the first time would be painful but what she felt was completely unexpected. It was excruciating pain. She thought she wouldn't be able to hold on and wanted to stop him but the pain gradually subsided and gave way to pleasure. It was something she had never felt before and she was glad she did it with him.

Anna pondered on what Abi and her mother were talking about. She didn't believe Abi would be able to succeed and convince Logan. Since she trusted him, she wanted to have faith that everything would be fine but it all went wrong.

"Anna, I've developed feelings for Abi. Let's break up." Logan said avoiding eye contact. Anna thought that it was merely a nightmare. She didn't want to believe any of it was real. "I'm serious, Anna. Let's break up." He repeated.