Are you gay?

Pete took Naomi to the direction she saw him run to the other day and they wound up at the gay bar. She thought he had a secret place he wanted to take her to but to her greatest surprise, he took her inside the gay bar.

"I'm about to show you a side of me that I'm definitely not proud of but have no choice to do." He said, confusing her for a while. He left her there and before she could realise that he was gone, he had completely disappeared. She got nervous. How was she to find him in the midst of so many boys? She couldn't just move around.

She was still looking around for him when she heard someone announce that the night's performance was about to begin. At first, she paid no heed to it. She was just concerned with finding Pete until she heard his voice. He was singing on stage and...her eyes widened. What was he wearing?

"That's..." She stared completely speechless.