Pete's soft and caring side

Abi and Logan were speechless. He looked down at her with so many thoughts running a marathon in his head. So many things led to their breakup but there was only one person but there was only one person that was left broken. Honestly, he regretted it.

Pete held Naomi's hand and kissed it. He looked at Logan and Abigail with contempt in his eyes. These people made Naomi cry, wasn't it fair enough to teach them a reassuring lesson?

As if Naomi felt the contempt and read his mind, she decided to leave there.

"Let's go, Pete. It's already time for lunch." She said and led him away. Abi wanted to object but Logan silenced her.

"Abi, go on ahead, I'll catch up with you." He said but she didn't want to.

"You're still in love with her, right?" She folded her arms.

"I just need some time to think." He said and she dropped her arms before glaring one last time at Pete and Naomi's retreating figures.

"She's living better without you now. Just behave, else..." She simply walked away. Logan looked at her as she left and shook his head.

'I thought I was doing this to protect you but it turns out that I ended up hurting you too much. Yet...I don't regret it. You look happy now.' He thought and took out his phone.

The pictures they took in the past were still in his phone. He didn't have the heart to delete them.

"I missed your calls deliberately and didn't realize I was being very mean but I'd rather treat the people that I love in a different way to avoid them getting hurt because of my greed. I don't mean to try you on but what can I say except...I'm sorry."

It was already late. Naomi locked herself in her room. She wasn't crying but was deeply lost in thoughts.

Travis, who hadn't seen her in a while wanted to go with her to the girls' contest but she declined saying she'd be there on her own pace. There was another knock on the door and that was Pete. She didn't expect him to be there.

"Pete, you..." Before she could say anything else, he held her hand.

"Come, I want to show you something." With that, he led her to the roof. It was dark but the stars had lit up the entire sky. It was very beautiful. "I thought you might want to see something to cheer you up."

It never occurred to Naomi that Pete, who was always cold and indifferent, who always did strange things with her, who was completely ignorant of the existence and everyday life of girls, could have a caring and soft side.

She was sure that this was the first time he was doing such a thing and that he must have put a lot of thought into it.

"Do you like it?" He asked, jolting her out of her thoughts and she nodded.

"Yes! It's beautiful!" She answered and looked up at the sky. She wanted to make a wish but there was no shooting star.

There was an airplane moving at a fast distance in the sky. Its lights moving resembled a shooting star even if it was a bit slow.

"Can we… pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars?" She asked and Pete looked up to see the airplane. "I could really use a wish right now."

Pete nodded and smiled. Naomi thought she saw wrong. This was the first time she was seeing him smile so well and it really suits him.

"Smile a bit more in the future." She smiled back and he looked at her. Seeing that she was finally having a genuine smile, he nodded in satisfaction. Then his watch beeped.

"Go ahead and watch the girls contest." He said.

"Aren't you going?" She asked.

"I have things to do." He said and she nodded. She watched him leave and once he was gone, she looked up at the sky. She felt something in her chest, it was that feeling.

It was at that time she discovered she was having feelings for him. She wasn't supposed to, it was forbidden. She knew quite a lot of people who fell in love during their missions and it always ended in heartbreak because at the end of it, they would part ways but...can she help it? It's already there.

Naomi, curious about Pete's regular outing, secretly followed him out of the school. It was about time she cleared her curiosity.

Surprisingly, he went to a hospital. She didn't expect him to go to a hospital and wondered what he was doing there. And since it was what she was going to find out, she had to be patient for a while.

She watched him talk to a few nurses before talking to the doctor. After that, he followed the doctor to a ward. There was a man laid on the bed with artificial respiration attached to him. Once the doctor had seen Pete in, he walked out.

Naomi looked inside the ward. Pete was sitting quietly just watching this man.

'Is that his father?' She thought.

"You can come out now." Pete suddenly said and Naomi thought of hiding but what was the need when he had already seen her? So much for being a spy.

She walked out of her hiding place and entered the ward. He turned to look at her, his eyes looked sad even if his expression showed nothing. It gave her the conclusion that this was indeed his father.

"I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's okay." He said. "You must've been too curious after seeing me leave so many times."

Naomi was surprised. He knew she was watching him? Not through the cameras, right?

"Is this the place you go to...every night?" She inquired not knowing why. She felt like asking.

"No!" He answered unexpectedly. "But this is where I always drop by on the way. There's somewhere else I always go to." He said, sounding a bit shameful about it. "Let me take you there."