Inner self

"W- where the fuck did my hair go?"

"Oh my, that eliminates one possibility."

What? Why was this guy still so fucking smug? He pisses me off damnit, that face is so punchable.

"Well, I apologize for hiding it, but I simply had to deduce whether you were also a returning piece. Perhaps from an older game. I was a winner from the last month's game you see, and it was made very clear, that on the game boards, the forms we take as pieces represent our true must have a truly black heart if your true self is so hideous, how terrifying, pukuku..."

What the fuck? Was that also supposed to be explained in the rules that got skipped over? And...I have a black heart?

"Wha- Hey, why does your true self have no shoes and unkempt hair then? You look like a wild barbarian or something..."

"Because I am "wild", I am a wild being, who values freedom and chaos above all else, and judging from your true form, you are a kindred spirit..."

What the fuck? True forms? Beasts? Did this guy think he was the antagonist of some light novel series? And he thought I was similar to him? A kindred spirit? Was he just trying to psych me out? Only one word left my mouth in my frenzied state.

"Shut the fuck up."

"...Oooooh?...There's that wild spirit...Pukuku...entertain me, Mr. "Pizza", I will ensure...that your chances of winning this game become zero.".

What? Did this guy even care about winning?

"To answer the question you likely thought of, yes, I do care about winning, but the best way to win this definitely to steal each and every one of your points, you are a threat, no matter how much you act like an average person, I know it."

He predicted my thoughts by reading my expression...what is with those "Perfect perceptive abilities" of his anyway?

"Perfection...does not exist in this world..."

The words left my mouth instinctually.


"If you wish to view me as a threat...I will become a threat, and expose your false perfection."

Heh, even though I chastised him for acting like some antagonist in a cheesy light novel, what I just said was a pretty cheese protagonist line, huh? Whatever...I'm too pissed to care.

"Seven...considering your "name", I will steal all of your points, in seven moves."