
"I will steal each of your points...in just seven moves!"

That was, to be blunt...a massive bluff.

I didn't even know how many personal points or die he had...but, I sure as hell wasn't going to let him steal my points.

"Well then, let's make sure to fight next turn, the cooldown is long since over now, right? Your phone has beeped quite a few times, your teammates are getting ahead, Pukuku..."

That laugh is annoying as hell, whatever, I can't let him psych me out, like he's tried to do so many times already, judging from the lack of violence he's employed despite appearing far stronger and faster then me, violence may be banned in this game, and punching him would be a horrible mistake.

"Well then...I'll just say it now, I'm rolling a D20." With the press of a button, a D20 flew out of his phone and landed on 17. "I will stop on your space and battle you, I merely want insurance against you trying to run."

"Oh? That's one of ten powerful betting and movement resources you just used..."

"Pukuku, indeed."

How confident, or rather, smug, is this guy?


I rolled a D6, a 1, well, not that it mattered, I stepped another space to my left, still suspending my disbelief at having "stepped" over 2 acres of land just like that, and he stepped after me before stopping his movement, suddenly, sixteen beeps played on his phone...

"Oh, I should mention, it was in the rules, right? If you stop to battle someone, you get extra points for that battle only equal to your remaining excess movement. Unless of course, you didn't hear the rules?"

Damnit, he 100% knew I didn't hear the rules the moment I was confused by his explanation about my...newfound appearance, he's just taunting me.

"Well, I'll just bet them all, I suppose, no need to risk my personal points. Surely you can trust my word as a kindred spirit, right? Pukuku..."

I fucking hate this guy so much. Whatever, there's no reason for him to not bet all 16, since he went through the trouble of revealing a rule to get them, and they would just vanish after, so I just bet nothing.

"Ah...so this first move is my victory? I'll go collect more treasures...well, I've already spotted every treasure on this space, with my perfect vision. I do hope you can steal all the points, including the six I'll gain here."

And in that minute and sure enough, six beeps, he collected what he said was every treasure on the space.

"You know...I am wild and chaotic, so I hate boring games, a game like this, where my perfect vision can see every treasure, is boring to me, I desire entropy, chaos, give it to me, or else you will lose."

What the fuck, did he just have these monologues prepared before hand? Jesus christ..

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll steal all of your points, just like I promised, six extra ain't nothing."

He seemed a bit shocked at my resolve, but it also made him...giddy? Whatever, I just need to keep bluffing until I find an opening, someone this egotistical has to let his guard down eventually.

"Then please, let us move again, I'll only use a D8 this time."

What? What was his game? Was he just being random for the sake of "chaos", or trying to bait me into using a high value die to beat his D8? I had set a seven move timer for myself by getting goaded, and he probably wouldn't hold off his plan to "take every one of my points" for any longer then that, knowing him he may even try it at any time, if he detects I'm not seriously attempting to steal all of his points.

Regardless, his D8 lands on a four.

...Wait a second.

There is a way, to seriously steal all of his points in not just seven turns, but this very move.

My external smug grin became internal as well.