Once revered for their valor, the warriors found themselves pursued into the unforgiving embrace of exile. Their journey through the rugged terrains echoed whispers of hardship and resilience, each step a testament to their unwavering determination.
"Man, I'm tired," said Adam. He was a handsome—rookie of our team. He had joined us earlier ago, when he was being hunted down by the rugged—monsters, or say, unmonsterfied 'humans'. Not that it would really matter.
"Do you think we can repopulate our kind?" he asked, cheekily.
"I hate everything that has to do with humans, including you," Alisha — Mondigo, replied.
"Oh, come on," said Adam. "Do, you really think I'm human after seeing what I've got?"
"Let it go, Adam," said Phoenix. Phoenix was an ex—FBI before he was transported to our world, or, in better words transposed to the world of Driven (a nickname: for my old companion). Phoenix was an ex—FBI, which meant that he had access to all the knowledge that non—FBI users had, for example, he taught us how to shoot a gun — and how to use our powers better against humans, however, that wasn't enough.
We needed to find a way to end this war.
Adam looked at Phoenix, with a glare. Adam, who was a former—hunter, he didn't like it when his prey got away. I, was his prey. However, I was no prey.
I, kicked him in the shin.
"Ow-wee!" shouted — Adam, as he crumpled to the ground. Courtesy, of being magically — enhanced.
There were only a few of us left in the world, a few of us selected by Driven, to carry on a part of his power. However, out of all of us back in the Hive — I was the strongest. Mainly, due to my relationship with Driven, and my power overall.
Talent. I had talent.
Adam — crumpled, on the ground. Swore, 'under' his breathe. I, unleashed tendrils from the palms of my hand — and used, to choke the life-force out of him.
"Remember, we were the ones who picked you up, and we'll be the same people who will put you down, if you ever do this shit again— "
"— I, yield!" shouted Adam, as he crumpled.
I up—lifted my spell.
Matthias, approached me from the side. He was a kind, man. Who had lost everything in the fire — his wife, his children. Even, some, or all, of his friends. Luckily, he had us. Which was more than enough. Matthias looked me in the eye... as I struggled with my anger.
"Calm," He, said. Breathe in, breathe out.
At the start of the apocalypse, Matthias had been the one who guided me through my powers. He was the pro — player of the apocalypse, and his powers were identical to mine. Magic. His powers, however, were of illusion. Mine, were of physical—fighting, nature. You could see, how our opinions differed, especially with what I was doing. We, were, lovers once.
"Let him go, Alisha "Gonzales" Mondigo," ordered Mathias. He was our de — facto leader of the group, and I was his lackey before I became his second — in — command, had his wife been alive. I, sighed.
Re — assuringly, I planted a healing spell on — top of Adam. Mathias, with his cold — gaze, nodded towards me. Heat blushed into my cheeks.
Adam, didn't know yet the dynamics of the group. He, always, thought: that I had been the leader, when in fact it was Mathias. This would have established the "thin" fabric that Mathias walked across... most of our rookies were exactly the same.