Have you no shame?

They all stopped and looked at her, unaware of what she meant by an apology. And Felix, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up,

"An apology?" He asked and Eliza was stunned by his voice, till he said. "What for?"

"What for? Can't you see I'm covered in mud? You drove your car over the mud and plashed it all over me." She accused.

All eyes went to Jellal. He had been the one behind the wheels so he was responsible for it.

"What? How was I supposed to know that there was someone by the road?" He asked, no one in particular.

"Reckless driving." Pete palmed his face.

"But, it's not entirely my fault." Jellal said.

"Hey, I'm still covered in mud here." Eliza announced, flapping her hands to get their attention and spilling the mud everywhere.

Felix shook his head. What sort of afternoon drama was this? His eyes fell on the hose by the side and he picked it up.

"This will all die down if you're no longer covered in mud, right?" He asked and turned to Jellal. "Get the tap."

"Hey, what... What do you plan to do?" Eliza asked but they still did what they wanted and she couldn't avoid it.

Jellal turned on the tap and Felix sprayed Eliza from head to toe, making sure not to miss a single mud.

"There, now you're clean."

Felix dropped the hose and looked at Eliza who stood in embarrassment and anger. She was soaking wet. It was a pathetic sight and they decided to just leave.

"Have you no shame?" Eliza suddenly asked but they didn't stop walking away. "You find it amusing to make fun of a helpless girl just because you're somebody?" This made Felix stop in his tracks. He seemed to have been affected by those words. "You might be rich and have it all but you're no god. Hence, whatever you do will surely come back to you." She swore and kicked the tire, causing the car's siren to go off. "This isn't over." She pointed at them. "Someday, I'll get you all for this." With that, she turned and stormed off.

"Did she just threaten us?" Jellal asked.

"It didn't sound like a threat but more like whining." Pete said and they all laughed except for Felix.

"Pathetic." He mumbled and kept walking away.

Eliza couldn't wait for Allison in the state she was so she texted her that she'd head home first.

She no longer stayed with her mom and moved out about a year ago. She and Allison stayed in an apartment together but for some reason, Allison had to go back to her hometown causing Eliza to stay in their apartment alone for the time being. But she got bored so she went home to her mom and got back the previous week after hearing from Allison.

Allison came home to see Eliza having a really bad temper.

"Yeesh, someone's boiling." Allison exclaimed.

"Ugh, I just met the most annoying creature on the planet today." Eliza fumed.

"Wow, that must be really annoying for you to be in this state." Allison stated.

"Yeah, they are." Eliza clenched her fists. "I wish I could've punched their faces into a pulp."

"Tell me about it." Allison sat next to her and Eliza told them all that happened with the four guys and Allison almost lost it. "What?!" She exclaimed once she heard her best friend got hosed down. "How dare they?" She raised her sleeves, preparing for a fight. "Don't worry, tomorrow, I'll teach them a lesson for you."

Eliza finally laughed.

"I knew I could count on you." She said,

"But wait, do you know who they are?" Allison asked. "I mean, I can't really go to fight people I don't know. For all I know, they may be big shots and I'd end up all over the news." Her eyes glistened. "I'll be infamous for punching some rich guys and going to jail."

It sounded like a bad thing but the excitement in Allison's eyes spelt out that she would enjoy it.

"I don't know who they are but they did look like models for cover magazines." Eliza said. " They were four handsome and completely captivating guys."

Allison thought about it.

"Hm, you make it sound like their the F4." She said,

"The F what?" Eliza looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"The F4. Fantastic, famous, fabulous, fashionable... Just mention the F word and their it." Allison said and Eliza stifled a laugh.

"Pfft, F word." She laughed.

"You know that's not what I mean." Allison said and Eliza turned serious.

"So, who exactly are the F4?"