Rejected again

"So, who exactly are the F4?" Eliza asked and Allison crossed her legs, ready to give out a straight answer.

She took in a deep breath and started,

"Their the most famous male models in town. The face of Ze Ztar. Their leader, Felix, so dashing and abominable to the heart, his father is a very wealthy businessman who despised his own son for choosing the fashion industry over business."

"I don't know how we shifted to this topic but I have to say it, that's horrible of him. He should be more supportive of his son's dream." Eliza stated.

"But his mother supported him though." Allison added.

"That's nice to hear."

"And now they're divorced." Allison added, dropping Eliza's relief.


"Anyway, do you think the four guys that messed with you earlier were the F4?" Allison asked and Eliza shrugged.

"Likely but Ze Ztar has a lot of male model groups so I'm not certain." She said and showed adorable eyes. "But if they were, would you still avenge me?"

"Of course." Allison boasted. "They don't scare me." She looked so confident.

"Even if it means losing your job?"

"Who cares about a stupid job? Might I remind you, I only took the job over there because you insisted." Allison said. "There are other fashion empires out there and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to accommodate us."

"Not after our names have been sullied." Eliza mumbled over pouted lips.

"What was that?" Allison asked but Eliza simply shook her head and sighed.

"Let's just leave them be. It's better to not get into trouble than to get stuck in an irreversible mess." She said and Allison nodded.

"Alright, fine." Eliza nodded but she still felt troubled.

'I might've convinced Allison to give it up but if I see those four anywhere, I'll make sure to put up a nice show.' She concluded in her thoughts while grinning to herself.

Allison saw this grin and thought.

'I know what you must be thinking but I can't let the guys who humiliated my best friend go scot free. They can't just get away with this, I'll help you too.'

The next day, Eliza thought of trying her luck for a second time but with a different designing department so as not to get found out.

"Are you sure you want to do this with baggy clothes?" Allison asked a bit worriedly.

"Of course I'm sure." Eliza said. "I'm pretty sure that lady was just out to get me. It's spiteful."

"Would it hurt to just put on some nice and fitting clothes?" Allison said. "At least just for a day. Once they see that you're such a beauty, forget designing, they might even make you the lead female model."

"Thanks for the suggestion Alli but I think I'll just stick to where I am right now." Eliza said.

"Alright. But just in case, have a deal with me." Allison requested.

"What deal?"

"If you get rejected today as well, you'll have to change this getup and put on nice fitting clothes tomorrow." Allison proposed and without a second to waste, Eliza agreed to it.


"Wow, you sound so confident. I didn't expect you to agree just like that." Allison said, folding her arms. "What are you up to?"

"It's just because I'm not worried at all. You'll see."

Eliza hoped that her luck would finally shine but sadly, it was all the same. But this time, she wasn't just called tasteless, she was called beautiful... But tasteless.

"Ugh, u wish I could just shove the words back into their mouths." She ranted as she entered the elevator. "Why can't they just take into account my abilities and not my physical appearance? Tasteless? I was the school belle in my time and these clothes, though baggy, they are this month's trend. Those people won't know fashion even if it hits them in the face."

She kept venting out her frustration in words. It was a good thing she was the only one in the elevator but for some reason, she felt uneasy like she wasn't supposed to be in that particular elevator.

She looked at the side of the elevator and there she saw it, writing boldly in gold.

"F4?" She gasped. "Oh no!" She exclaimed and held her head. "I took the wrong elevator." She was just realising this and started pressing the button to return back to where she was but unfortunately, the elevator had already reached its destination. It was the last floor leading to the exit.

How much she prayed to not meet any of those F4 and leave without any trouble but her prayers were too late.

The elevator doors opened exposing the four maniacs that had humiliated her the other day. Her eyes grew wide.

So it was true. They were the F4. The fucking bastards who humiliated her the previous day.

"It's... It's you."