Eliza fainted

Eliza saw the F4 coming in and she quickly gave way to them. She didn't want to have any form of conversation with any of them.

"Alright, I'd better go to work." Also said waving her bye.

"See you!" Eliza waved back.

At the F4's quarter, Felix had his mind occupied with so many things.

"Felix!" Jellal called but no answer. "Felix!!" He called again. Pete looked up from the magazine he was looking at and Urie also looked up. It was strange.

Felix was always so conscious of the things around him even in his sleep but now, he can't even hear Jellal's voice.

"Felix!!!" Jellal called the last time but this time he patted his shoulder.

"Yes?" Felix finally answered.

"Man, you're so deep in thoughts. What are you thinking about?" Urie asked with his suspicions high.

'A peculiar vamp.' Felix thought. "What is it?"

"Mr Houdini wants to see us." Jellal announced.