You keep saying thank you

The next day, Eliza pleaded to go to work but they wouldn't let her. Derek stood as a barricade in front of the door.

"I want to go to work." She pleaded.

"No." Derek said plainly.

"Who's gonna do the shooting? I'm the only female model so far, please let me go." She insisted.

"Whatever they have to do, can be postponed till tomorrow." Jack said.

"You know how show business is. What will they do if it's urgent?" She asked in support of the empire for once.

"She has a point." Zack nodded.

"And of course, there's the part where I'm a designer. What's gonna happen if they need my assistance?" She added.

"There's plenty of people to do those jobs." Derek pointed out.

"Come on, Derek. Let the girl work." Jack finally agreed.

"We'll even take the opportunity to go with her. We were supposed to be there tomorrow but today seems fine." Zack added.