A Perfect Body

I have three main elements they might seem like a lot, but they are one of the main reasons why my life was ruined.

Let me tell you something starting with the least, in terms of contributing to the ruin my life.

Shadow Elements - its an element that allows me to be one with the shadows. I can hide or store things in my shadow.

Some Dark Mages with shadow element, use necromancy, but I got a moving skeleton phobia.

Dark Element - It allows me to use all Dark related magic, like curses. I can summon multi-headed snakes and make Dark familiars, like my old black bird.

Pink Element - It is the element that allows me to make illusions. I even reached a point of bringing illusions to life.

Here are the some of the Elements Combinations.

Dark + Shadow Element = Invisibility

Pink + Shadow Element = Disguise

Dark + Pink Element = Sealing Magic

All those three elements may sound cool, but a person who even had one of those elements was killed as soon as he/she was found out.

Dealing with shadows was considered the work of Evil and the Dark Element was something only demons could have.

Making illusion was even worse, as trying to make something fake real was a sin in itself.

When it came to my five gifts, 'Word Soul Magic' was the worst.

Let me tell you its advantages, before going to its down sides.

I can control a person, and the number of people doesn't matter.

I can make anything I say become real.

Its downside are:


I can only control a person I have direct eye contact with.

I can only control a person once and I need to be careful with the commands I give.

For example, I tell Person A to kill Person B, but I didn't tell Person A how to kill Person B, so this is an incomplete command, which results in person A never killing person B and gets herself out of the mind control, and I will never control Person A again.

The second problem is when I say something it can happen without my control.

Anyways, lets forget about all the wonders of this great me and focus at the task at hand.

I stare at the mindless goblins that surrounded me. I am not afraid of them as Dean's body is fit enough to win against them.

According to this world there are something called Level 10 monsters.

The 16 goblins holding clubs might have a developed body, but I can take care of each, in one swift attack.

"So the eight holding poison needles first," I muttered before locking at the goblin positions.


I rushed towards the two goblins standing at my back and in two swings their green blood was already splattered on my face.

I quickly leaped it a tree and beheaded the goblin that was about to shoot a poison needle at me.

Kriek- kriek-!

The other goblins screamed and a barrage of poison needles were shot towards my direction.


I jumped off, the tree and quickly finished the last 5 poison needle holding goblins.

I sadistically smiled at the 16 club holding goblins,

"You guys ready for a little fun?"

Kriek- kriek-!

"I don't get you, but you must be really angry at me now."

Kriek- kriek-!

The goblins rushed at me and started attacking, but it was all a waste as I dodged each and every of their attacks.

After a few minutes of dancing together, the 16 goblins were tired, and I took the pleasure of beheading them all.

"27 minutes," I frowned as I added, "that doesn't break the record at all,"

I walked towards the headless goblin corpses and thought of the reason, why I came here.

Which is to absorb negative mana and store it in my body.

Unlike mana that is stored at the heart, through the use of mana heart, dark mana is stored inside the body through a mana body.

In order to make a mana body, one has to absorb mana from an organism that died, with in the rage of one day.

Once a mana body is made, it then becames easy to absorb negative mana from the air or from any dead organisms.

I sat before, touching one of the goblin's corpse and let the negative mana flow in to me. Once an organism dies it release death mana which a good form of negative mana.

"Ahhh!" A light groan escaped my mouth of the dark mana start moving around my body.

The first goblin only made 15% of the mana body and I moved to the next one.



A loud scream escaped my mouth after absorbing the last hint of death mana from the10th goblin.

It was painful, signaling that creating the 1st stage of the Mana Body was a success. I could few the Dark Mana move around my breathing points, making itself at home.


I coughed out some blood, before moving to absorb the mana from the remaining 14 goblins, which were going to be the feed for my mana body first.


After absorbing all the negative mana, I couldn't say it helped a lot, but I could sense things far away.

I will breath some when, I get back home and for now lets absorb the ones, I can kill.

I moved away from the scene, before sensing a very familiar source of mana.

"What is something like this doing here?" I frowned before saying, "But it can give me lots of negative mana,"


Kujiro Hibashi was just five years old when the game Empire State of Immortals came to reality.

He lost his parents in the war and his sister has been taking care of him since then. He became a player at the age of 12 like everybody else.

He didn't value his job, until last week when he met Chang Sung, who was the Plum Blossom Sword Saint from Murim.

It was too late for Kujiro to change academies, but he let it go as Chang Sung who promised to teach him Martial Arts from the Mount Hua Sect.

Kujiro always wanted to be a martial artist, but never got to thanks to his gift.

But in order to receive teaching from Chang Sung, he has to win a fight against a Normal orc. Normal Orcs are Level 13- Level 20, but its not something Kujiro can handle.



Name: Kujiro Hibashi

Job: Student 

*Makes it easy to understand teachings from different people

Level: 7

EXP: 10/100


Strength - 5/ Agility - 6/ stamina - 8/ defence - 6/ Mana - 10

Skills - Magic Bullet (LV:2)/ Magic arrow(LV:4)/ Magic spike(LV:2)


Kujiro stared at his system, as he was faced with a 3 feet long, huge green ugly humanoid creature.


The Orc raised its axe as its red eyes glared intensely at kujiro small figure. Kujiro forced a smile, as his feet were almost out of power.

"This is going to be easy, you will see that, I am stronger with out you old man," kujiro smirked as he took out his magic wand.

"Magic Arrow!" The black haired boy shouted, as a small sized magic arrow was shot towards the orc from his wand.

His attack hit the orc, but no damage happened to the orc.

This shocked the old Chang Sung in his black hanbok, who was floating next to kujiro.

"Brat! Run away from here that is not a normal orc!"

Chung Sang shouted, but kujiro was already casting his second attack, "Magic Spikes!"

Small spikes made from mana where shot towards the orc, which used only one swing of its axe to turn the spikes into a million pieces

"Magic bullet!" "Magic Arrow!" "Magic spikes!"

Kujiro out of panic, kept on casting endless attacks, angering the orc even more.

Grool- Grool-! 

The orc cried as it charged at Kujiro who was now just aimlessly shooting attacks at the Orc.

Kujiro felt a sense of crisis, his body failed to process the thought of moving and all the words Chang Sung were shouting couldn't even enter a single one of his ears.

The orc swung its axe and Kujiro could see his life flash through his eyes.

"I can't believe, I am going to die a virgin,"

Kujiro closed his eyes and waited for his death, to came but second passed which turned to minutes with out anything happening to him.

He slowly opened his blue eyes and was shocked with what he saw, "What happened to the orc?"


The orc lay flat on the ground and a figure of a pink haired handsome man was sitting on top of its head.

More sweat started coming out from his body and his legs couldn't hold it any more as he peed himself.

"If it weren't for the fact you are the only one who can see me, I wouldn't waste my time on a brat like you."

The young Hibashi smiled a bit knowing that the old man was still with him, he knew nothing will happen as long he is there for him.

Chang Sung scoffed a little at his students actions before adding, "He doesn't look like he has any business with you, so just thank him and go home."

"Your Master is right," Dean said, but something hit his mind before letting the ghost and his student off, "Kid, I need a few answers from you before you leave."

"What you can see me!?" Chang Sang shouted as it was shocking to see someone else who can see him.

Kujiro had bubbles coming from his mouth, as seeing someone who can see his master means he has already crossed the river of death.

Dean laughed a little before saying, "Your student is one hell of a nut job,"

"Hahaha, you are right about that."