Preparing For The Academy

The system is such a cheat ability, I can't believe all the injuries on Kujiro are already healed and he didn't get the after shock from all the power ups his body went through.

Even the fatigue is gone, the system is real baby sitting this world's people.

Maybe I am just jealous.

"Sigh, this is so not awe– wait for it –some."

I muttered, as I looked at Kujiro who was shyly talking to the beautiful waitress. He has been talking to her for more than half an hour and I am sure the police will arrive here soon.

"Is something on your mind Dean?"

I heard Chang Sung' voice in my ears and I looked up and stared at him while saying, "Nothing much, its just your disciple is taking a lot of time and I am sure things will get ugly soon."

"Well that's true, but isn't he your disciple too."

I smiled at the ghost and said, "The class I am going to teach has only 20 students and its said to be the class with children less talent, who would not even reach Level 50. I am planning to make all my students heroes and top rankers at the same time. I am sure Kujiro will be safe in your hands."

"That's a big dream there Dean, are you sure its possible."

When I arrived in this world, this morning I wanted to kill all the people responsible for creating me, but now its something else is on top of that.

I am going to climb the tower and I am going to reach its peak. I am sure there are different kinds of life forms in that tower and beating them alone is close to impossible.

That's where my 20 heroes will come in the mix, they already dream of reaching the top of the tower like everybody else and as their mentor I am going to make sure their dreams became reality.

I am sure the person responsible for creating me is sitting somewhere in that tower.

"Its only possible if you agree with the deal I am going to offer you Chang Sung."

"What deal would that be Dean?"

Seeing the ghost curious face, I smiled and laid out the deal to him.


I know what I said about making heroes despite teaching a class full of untalented brats but today, when I am going to meet them, I am starting to feel a little anxious.

In my past life I went to The Magic Academy, Knight Academy and later on the Shaolin Temple to receive teachings.

Its not that I was untalented, that I ended up in all those places, but because I received the wrong teaching and I am afraid to make the same mistake that was done to me.

Two days ago, I got the list of the students in my class through an email. Most of the students have the 'Mage' Job, with only five including Kujiro who have other Jobs.

Needless to say, I am sure my Level 10 and below students will do well. Who am I kidding those guys are the worst of the worst.

At least they have me as a teacher, with my knowledge I might work something out. I am the best when it comes to theoretical Magic, but I never put my knowledge to use.

As you all know I am a Dark Mage, so things normal mages do are something I know in name only.

I was shocked by Kujiro who made a mana heart through my guidance, maybe its because of the 'Student' job he has that makes understanding easy for him.

I don't know why someone like him is number 200. So you know there are only 200 students this year.

But I am sure that when the Academy starts taking test, exams and practical combat, he will rank up even among the top ten.

I am not sure about the number one spot as their is a student with the 'Dragon Mage' job.

What am I saying, the system means nothing to me, by the end of this semester my students will be in the top 100 from the bottom 20 they are.

Arghh! This is going to be the second toughest three years of my life teaching this 17 year olds.

The number one spot is already taken and I am sure it will be hard to replace.

Yesterday Kujiro took me to a gym, five blocks away from my house and I saw something interesting.

Even though I don't have a system my states can still be recorded by testing machines found at gyms.

I ended paying up a hundred thousand Moz after breaking all the equipment.

Here is what I recorded down from the finding.

==Great Me===

Dean Evester

Strength - 215/ Agility - 300/ stamina - 259/ defense - 200/ Mana - 311


Handsome (Above Max)


I might have added the Handsome skill and my name, but everything else is what was recorded. I did hold back just a little.

When I first slept in this world, I thought that the next morning I would be gone, but luckly, I was in this world.

It was really a dream come true, to be able to escape that horrible life.

After all I was the Villain and no one loved me.

I am ready to start a new leaf in this world and maybe, just maybe I might finally settle down and have a family.

When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a father but ever since my fiance left me, the thought of family drifted away from me.

Anyhow, nothing noteworthy happened during the last 7 days.

I went with Kujiro and Chang Sung to the monster field to absorb death mana in the morning.

In the afternoon I spent most of my time on my smartwatch to learn more about the world, watch movies and listen to music. This world is on a league of its own when it comes to arts.

At night I would absorb mana from the atmosphere, before going to bed.

I did read novels and the topic of reincarnation and regression is really famous. I wonder if there are others out there.

Bleh-! Whatever!

We bought an SUV car and Kujiro is driving, I do have memories of Dean learning how to drive but it is still a new thing to me.

Ahem, anyway, I found one interesting thing in Dean's wardrobe.

His collection of suits, he got a room full of suits only.

In my past life I only had two pairs of suits, as I was labelled a public enemy so there were really expensive to get.

Dean's suits are all a man could dream about. No wonder why he was a chick magnet despite being systemless.

Another thing that surprised me was that Japan still existed in this world.

I was really happy about finding this fact, as the first hero was from Japan.

I am going to visit it in the future and try everything the first hero wrote down.

I will go to France, England, Germany and Brazil later, but I am still thrilled to visit them as they are all the countries that are still standing after the Era of Sunless.

Ohh, by the way 'The Era of Sunless' is what they call the 3 days were the was no sunlight before the tower arrived. Its a World Holiday celebrated by all.

The 5 countries are the Power houses of the World and any word they say can turn over the world.

I shouldn't mess with them, if I want to stay in this world.

Maybe I should marry a wife from those countries.

Meh, maybe I'm thinking too much.


I had just finished putting on a nice jet-black double breasted suit under a light-pink trench coat with black inner lining and a pink tie.

I walked over to the mirror and admired my own beauty.

I have been doing this ever since I got into this world. 

It seems I picked a bad habit from Dean.

My pink hair was neatly slicked to the side and the pink eyes were like ruby jewels.

My perfectly small, triangular face gave me the appearance of an Angel, and my fare white skin added my enchanting look.

"Ahh– I so so awe –wait for it ~some. Awesome."

Amazed by my own appearance, I couldn't help but say a catch phrase, I got from Dean's memories.

Maybe I am becoming Dean the longer I stay in this world?


I love this new feeling.

Taking one last glance at the mirror, I couldn't help but put on shade glasses on my face.

Yes I said shade glasses

Out of all the glasses in this house, this one stood out in front of my eyes.

It matches my hair color and has a fine touch to it.

Tring. Tring-! Tring-!

The alarm sound coming from my smartwatch, signaling me that it was time to set out to Griffon Mage Academy.

I passed through the hallway which was filled with empty book shelves. Kujiro took away each and every magazine I had.

I searched for the pictures of Dean's parents, but I didn't find any.

It seems the three Evester's are secretive about their personal life.

I like it as I am the guy who hates to show off in front of the public.

But, with this looks, what can I say?

I walked past the living room, leading me to the nicely paved concrete pathway.

I turned around and looked at the place that would be my home.

The interior of the living room would been seen from the slick glass windows.

A nice swimming pool at the side of the house. A nice roof top covering the whole rectangular prism shaped house.

I moved a few metres before reaching the SUV. Its silver surface reflected the morning sun and its wheels where nicely polished.

I hoped into the passage seat, next to the old Chang Sang who was wearing a blue hanbok.

I put on my seat belt and stared at the frail looking, short black haired boy seating at the driver seat.

"Let's start the Journey Kujiro."

"Sure thing Dean."

♪Just a small town girl..♪

"Kujiro I meant, start driving."

This brat, he can be an idiot sometimes.