Just The Start

[Kujiro P.O.V]

My hand instinctively went to the pink sword made from pure mana Dean was putting on the table.

My heart started racing as soon as I took hold of the sword. I was having second thoughts about fighting the Silver Ranked ghoul.

I am not someone cut out for this, I am just someone who talks big.

I looked at Dean, making the cutest face I could ever master while saying, "Sir Evester, as the brother of the tenth strongest persons in the world, you should be the one saving the beauty."

Dean looked at me in his monkey mask and his pink eyes where as dashing as ever.

"Kujiro Hibashi do you know why I asked you to wear a mask?"

I shook my head in denial and My Master said, "I am going to make you a Hero."

My face frowned and stared at the two, "What are you two talking about? Where do mask get into all this?"

"Stupid disciple mask are cool," The Sword Saint said, as he played with his over grown beard.

Dean smirked and said, "All Cool Heroes wear mask, except that guy who can fly super fast to turn back time."

He is right about that but...

"What does this have to do with saving that girl!?"

"Stop shouting Kujiro and about that you are going to be the one to do that."

"What are you crazy? There is no way I am going to fight against him."

My legs felt weak and my whole body was shaking violently. Sweat gashed out of my body as my heart rate increased.

"Kujiro look at me..... do you think I will waste my time trying to save them?"

I looked at Dean who was crossing his arms and had his feet on the table.

He is not planning to fight at all. I am really going to die here today.

My perfect plan to make Dean fight and I would save the black haired waitress with big boobs. I could have a girlfriend without even trying.

My perfect plan to get a girl and finally get laid.

"Hey Kujiro, all your shouting has grabbed the ghoul's attention."

At Dean's words I turned at the direction of the ghoul, but my eyes couldn't reach him, as he sent a punch directed at my face.

I felt a great amount of pain course through my body, as I had landed on the concrete restaurant wall.

"Ahh!" A loud groan escaped my lips, as I tried to lift myself from the cold floor. It felt hard like my body couldn't listen to any of the commandments my brain made.

My senses were cut off and all my eyes could see was an endless amount of blood flowing in front of me.

It was like, I was falling inside an ocean of blood with ten thousand ton iron chains wrapped around my body. My very own existence felt like nothing.

Who am I? Where am I? What was I doing?

["Get yourself together, a disciple from Mount Hua never lets go of his sword."]

I heard the Plum Blossom Sword Saint voice echo inside my mind and my vision started coming back to me.

["Kujiro if you want that waiter girl with big boobs to fall head over heels for you. You should stand up and beat that son of a bitch."]

Dean's voice echoed in mind and my body started responding to my actions. My vision cleared and I could see the panicked faces of the people laying on the ground.

I lifted my heavy body up and stared at the ghoul that was walking towards me. The ghoul seemed not to notice Dean who was staring at me.

["Disciple pick up your sword"]

I heard my master's voice inside my head again, I was shocked by the fact his mouth didn't move once, as he took his seat.

My eyes moved to the pink Mana sword that lay on the ground in-between my feet. I took the sword and I could feel a new comforting sensation envelope my body.

It felt like I could hear the sword, more like the sword was a living object.

["Calm yourself and take a fighting stance"]

At The Plum Blossom Saint's words, I griped the hilt of the sword vigorously and took a balanced offensive stance, as the blade of the sword pointed directly at the ghoul a hundred metres away from me.

["Kujiro I want you to let the mana coming from the sword enter your body, let it flow naturally as it goes to your heart"]

I nodded at Dean's words which just came to my mind without him using his mouth.

Is he using telepathy?

I shock my head to clear of all unwanted thoughts and did what Dean told me.

The mana from the sword quickly went inside my body, and I could feel it move around my body like a snake.

My insides hurt and I couldn't resist the age to puke.

My gorilla mask fell of, as smelly black liquids came from my mouth. I couldn't react to the stench of the black liquid as mana started surrounding my heart.


I screamed loudly, as I couldn't stand the heat coming from my heart.

"Are you afraid already? I haven't tortured you yet for disturbing my meal."

The ghoul's words came as a reminder that I would lose my life, if anything unexpected happened next.

The raging heat from my heart quickly died down and a system window flashed in front of my eyes.


Level Up↑


Level Up↑


Level Up↑


Mana heart (New) (LV:1)

-Can store mana at the heart. The mana can be used later at any given time.


Courage (New) (LV:1)

- Boost confidence and blocks all fear related attacks.


Telepathy (New) (LV:1)

-Able to communicate with people on 100 metre radius using the mind.



You are the first to unlock the Mana Heart skill. You have been awarded 200 Coins, use them wisely.

Name: Kujiro Hibashi

Job: Student

*Makes it easy to understand teachings from your teachers.

* Current Teachers

-Plum Blossom Sword Saint Chung Sung (LV:2)

Level: 7 →10

Coins 200

EXP: 4/100


Strength - 5>8/ Agility - 6>9/ stamina - 8>11/ defense - 6>9/ Mana - 10>15

Skills - Magic bullet (LV:2> 3)/ Magic Arow (LV:4> 5)/ Magic spike(LV:2> 3)/ Mana Heart (LV:1)/ Courage (LV:1)/ Telepathy (LV:1)


I could few my body healing up, from leveling up and a new surge of power burst inside my body.

I feel, like I can do anything. I am invincible no one can scratch this body.

Ladies look at me, your future husband... Uhahahaha!

["Disciple get hold of yourself and focus at the incoming enemy."]

At the Sword Saint's words my eyes locked on to the ghoul which was a few metres away from me.

["Follow every instruction I tell you, if you want to leave out of here alive."]

I nodded at my master's words and My homeroom teacher added something a short while after.

["I will be assisting the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, so make sure you don't miss a word.]

I took another mask from my system inventory. It was a monkey mask similar to the one Dean was wearing.

I never thought a day I would wear the masks I made to make pocket money would arrive.

I gripped my sword and watched the ghoul slowly approach me, as its silver claw danced around in the air.

"Resistance is useless little human. I am going to make you an example of what happens when you mess with me."

The ghoul spoke, as he sent his sharp tail towards my heart.

["Move two steps to the right."]

At the Sword Saint's words, my body instinctively moved itself to his command.

"What!? How did you do that!?" The ghoul's voice raged with anger, as his attack had missed.

The man in the motorcycle jacket, then pulled back his claw, aiming for my head.

["Bend 90°"]

Again my body moved instinctively at my master's command.

The ghoul was furious and sent all the spike feathers coming from his hands towards me.

I couldn't dodge or block all the attacks at once. I could hear the voice of death calling me.

["Swing a full horizontal slash at the coming attack"]

I did, as I was told and blocked the attack, letting only a few land on my body.

The feather spikes started moving back to the man's arm. I was left shocked by this sight.

"What the hell?"

["Use this time to fire an attack at the ugly bastard."]

After hearing Dean's Words, I sent two magic spikes directed at the ghoul's chest, but the sharp fanged tail cut my attacks in half.

["Attack him now!"]

At Chung Sung words, I wasted no time using his tail kagune to my advantage. With a swift movement, I lunged towards the Ghoul, my long sword cut through the air with deadly precision towards his neck.

The Ghoul used its spike feather kagune to fly, dodging my attack at the very last moment. My blade sliced through thin air, drawing a pink line.

I gritted my teeth, feeling a twinge of frustration to my failed attempt, but I quickly got over it as I pointed my sword at the Ghoul that landed a few metres behind me.

'I hope he doesn't have any skills above Level 10' I thought as I dashed towards the Silver ranked Ghoul with out any instruction from Dean or Chung Sung.

"Puny human do you think, you can win against me."

Ignoring the Ghoul's random threat, I continued dashing towards him and I drew a wide arc from my sword directed at his chest.


The sound of metal clashing echoed through the restaurant, as the ghoul used its tail kagune to block my attack.

I was pushed back a few metres, by the ghoul's monstrous strength. I could feel each and every bone in my body vibrate with pain.

[Fear LV13]

Suddenly I felt chills all over my body, it was like I was standing in front of a huge mountain tiger. My body felt weak and fear started clouding over my mind. My grip on the sword loosen, and it was about to fall down.

["Kujiro just keep on holding the sword, it will protect you"]

I heard Dean's words in my mind, but holding the pink long sword itself felt hard. It felt like the sword was hot, but I just gripped it.

My mind cleared and before I knew it, the tail kagune was coming direct towards my face.

["Perform the lazy Donkey Roll"]

My body quickly fell to the ground and rolled, after listening to the Sword Saint. It is surprising that he is telling me to do something shameful in The Central Plans.

I quickly got up and charged at the ghoul. Small flame Spikes were seen from the clashs of my blade and the ghoul's tail kagune. 

As the battle prolonged, I realized that the ghoul's strength was far greater than I had imagined. Each and every of his attacks were precise and were aiming for vital points.

My hands were starting to pulsate, from each and every clash we made. The kagune feather spikes were a hindrance and were stopping me from making a clear hit.

I knew that I was outmatched in terms of stats. The ghoul is likely around Level 15 and above. He is weaker than some Bronze ranked Ghouls, but he is stronger than a big mouth like me.

["Focus Brat!"]

["Focus Kujiro!"]

As Chung Sung and Dean's words echoed in my mind, I regained my footing when I saw the ghoul approaching wildly as it flew with its kagune.

[Blink LV15]

The Ghoul vanished from my sight and with in a second he was in front of me. His tail Kagune was aiming for my heart.

["Use a vertical slash."]

I did as the Sword Saint instructed me and I cut down the ghoul's left arm, letting blood splatter all over the restaurant. I wanted to throw out, but I couldn't as I was pierced at the top side of my left hip bone, by the tail kagune.

"Ahhhhh! I will kill you human?" The ghoul screamed in agony as it landed on the ground.

"Ahh!" A light groan escaped my mouth, as I gripped my pink long sword and charged at the ghoul.

The ghoul tried to come at me, but his movements were more erratic than when he had his left arm. I ducked in time to land a perfect kick to his crotch.

"Ahhh!" The Ghoul groaned in pain as he turned back to face the people laying down on the restaurant floor.

My eyes quickly locked on to the black haired waitress, with a huge chest.

He wanted to use her as hostage and get away from this. My heart boiled with rage and all the mana in my body moved violently through out my body.

I leaped towards the running ghoul with my sword aiming in between its head.

[Blink LV15]

Just as my attack was about to connect, the ghoul vanished from his position and appeared behind the hourglass body shaped waitress.

"No!" I screamed as my sword left a pink line in the air before reaching the ground.

The ghoul grappled the waitress by the neck and lifted her up to match his eyes. I could see the waitress fighting for her life as she tried to punch at the ghoul, but it was useless as the ghoul gripped her harder.

"If you want this human girl to stay alive. You put your sword down and beg for mercy."

The ghoul's words were not shocking, as I knew that was his objective.

"No.. for..get.. about... me.. and.. kill.. him.."

The waitress shaking voice, felt like a sting in my heart and I could see tears streaming from her emerald eyes.

I loosen the grin of my sword and when I was just about to let it go Dean's word were heard in my ears, "Its this guys that make us Villains look bad."

Dean jumped from his seat and appeared a few metres away from me, as he locked his eyes at the ghoul.

The ghouls eyes wide opened, "What are you guys? Some monkey mask wearing gang. It doesn't matter, as long as you don't move the girl survives."

"Monkey mask wearing gang huh?" Dean said, as he took of his monkey mask and looked at me before saying, "Kujiro take off that mask and next time you must carry cooler looking mask, for cooler people like us."

What the hell is he on about.

I took off the mask while Dean said, "Look at me, the most handsome person in this whole place. This is your only chance for your eyes to feast on something this good looking..."

I faced palmed as I whisper to Dean, "Hey we are supposed to save that waitress, not talking about your good looks."

Just because he was born handsome, that doesn't give him the right to show of about it.

Dean turned around and looked at the waitress as he said, "Miss waitress, I will only save you if you go out with Kujiro on a date, its just once so its not a big deal."

The waitress weakly nodded her head, as tears streamed on her round face. I felt humiliated and happy at the same time, its the first time a girl agreed to go out with me.

Dean smiled and started walking towards the ghoul, "Already then, lets do this."

"Stay there if you move any closer she dies."

At the ghoul's words Dean stopped walking and locked directly at its eyes as he said, "I want you to let that girl go and knell in front of Kujiro until he kills you."

Why does he want me to kill it? When he can do it without any problems. 

Shockingly enough the ghoul did let go of the waitress, and started walking directly at me.

With each step it took, my heart skipped a bit and I felt nervous all over my body. I have killed rabbits and chickens before, but to kill something with a human shape was taking it to another level.

The ghoul knelled in front of me and I gripped my sword, as sweat started coming out from my body violently. 

My body started shaking, as I lifted my sword in the air.

"A disciple of the Mount Hua Sect shouldn't be afraid to slay evil."

I turned to the direction of the voice an saw the Plum Blossom Saint floating above my head.

"Hold your sword and remove this evil from the face of the earth."

I gripped my teeth, as a few tears came out from my eyes. I swung my sword direct at the ghoul's neck, killing it completely.


The ghoul's body fell to the ground and blood flowed out from his headless body and streamed down the restaurant.


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Level up↑


I felt my injuries healing up, but the same couldn't be said about my stomach.


I through out, as I couldn't stand the sight and smell of the ghoul's blood.

"You did a good job Kujiro."

Dean said, as he clapped his hands before the whole restaurant joined him.

I felt a sense of joy deep down in my heart seeing the people's happy faces, but what truly turned me on was all the hot girls cheering for me.

I love you beauties.

"Kujiro tell the waitress that you will see her tomorrow, for now lets get out of here."

Dean's annoying voice stopped my fantasying and I just nodded to him. At least I got a date.