Our Teacher is an NPC

"Guys you know sitting down isn't going to let him give up."

Tawanda said as he looked at his classmates, sitting on the ground, forming a circle.

"Yah look at him, he has been standing for more like two hours now."

David supported as he took a bite of his sandwich, while directing his pitch black eyes at his standing teacher.

"I wonder if he is hungry. Maybe I should go there and feed him this potato chip."

"Hey Sofie I called dips on him first."

"Come on Janice, there is no way he would leave all this."

Lynotte, Kujiro and Ken smiled at the sight of the two girls glaring daggers at each other.

"You know teachers or those selected to be assistant teachers shouldn't date students."

At Andre's words Kujiro stopped smiling and he started sweating as the fear of Rossi dumping him struck like a bolt of lighting.

"I hope he picks me since, I am the most beautiful."

After Sofie said that, she gained deadly glares from the other girls and even a few from the boys.

"He will pick me since I am Sky."

"Shut up Sky. He will pick me since I am number 181."

"Come on girl being number 181 out of 200 students isn't something to brag about. Ohh! hello your are in the bottom 20."

At Priya's words who was drinking her coke, Aria clenched her little fist from rage.

"Come on guys, for all we know he might have selected an Assistant already."

"Don't tell me you think it's you Janice."

"All I know its not you Rossi."

"Girls girls be quiet daddy is trying to eat in peace."

"Shut Up!"

Both Janice and Rossi shouted at Andre who was staffing his stomach.

Sam keep silent and thought, 'For the sixth time why am I in this class.'

"Guys this guy hasn't introduced himself yet." Said Boyle as he pointed at Flynn who was eating neatly and silently.

"Ohh you are right. He is such a cutie." Sofie said as she learned on Flynn shoulder before adding, "You are mute. Isn't that right Cutie.

Flynn's face was red and he wanted to get away from Sofie, but just nodded to evade further questions.

"I hate him," Andre and Lynotte said at the same time as they glared at Flynn intensely.

"Does anyone want to see a magic trick."

Everyone nodded at Mizuku's words and watched her as she pointed her index finger at her twin brother.

"[Magic bullet]"

A blue bullet made of mana came from her hand hitting Ken's forehead, making everyone bust to laughter not including Flynn.

"What did you do that for!? It is the first day of the Academy for crying out loud! I need to make a good first impression!"

Mizuku ignored the shouting messy orange haired boy as she joined the group in laughing, but soon everyone stopped laughing as a holographic light green panel showed up in front of each of their eyes.

[ Dean Evester (LV:???) Likability for you is falling down.

Warning more quest may be added to the pending quest.]

"Did you all see that?"

"You said your was Sky right?" Sky nodded at the Orange haired girl question before she shouted, "We all saw that and you voicing it out isn't helping!"

Andre smirked and said, "I like loud mouth girls."

Mizuko shouted at wavy dark haired boy, "Shut up! I am not a loud mouth."

Flynn just looked at her and thought, 'Your whole family is full of loud mouths.'

"Calm down Mizuko let me make a plan." Priya said as she took out a plan white paper from her storage space.

"I am calm alright! I am calm Priya!"

Priya just nodded at the raging orange haired girl and thought, 'You are so not calm right now girlfriend.'

"So whats with the paper?"

The light brown skinned girl looked sideways to face the source of the voice and asked, "You said your name was Sky right?"

"Yes that is my name."

"Shut up you are not helping."

"Ohh... Okay."

Priya moved her silky black hair behind and said, "We should attack him at once than attack individually."

Kelly nodded as she said, "It sounds great but how to we do that."

"Why are we wasting our time planning, don't you know he is systemless lets just attack him.

Janice turned her head and looked at the next to her and asked, " You said your name was Sky right?"

"Yes my name is Sky. S-K-Y don't forget next time."

"Yah whatever S-K-Y. Serious just shut the hell up and didn't you see his level."

"You are right Janice the unknown Levels of his kind have been spotted in the game only." Boyle said as he stared at the standing figure of his teacher.

Aria glared at Boyle, "That's why we should do this quickly. We already wasted plenty of his time, it's almost home time."

Rossi looked at Kujiro and asked, "Do you have your pink sword."

Kujiro shock his head, "That sword vanished after the fight."

"What fight are you talking about?"

Kujiro glared at boy he was facing and asked, "You said your name was Sky right?"

"As I said for the past three times, my name is Sky."

"Yah you got to shut up dude." Kujiro said before looking at Priya, "We can't really hope to defeat that monster at least let's try to impress him."

"And how do you know that?"

At Ken's question everyone turned their heads to face Kujiro who just answered shyly, "I stay in the same building as him."

"Ohh, so you are that kind of guy." Rossi said, as she averted her eyes from Kujiro.

"Rossi it's not like that."

"I didn't say anything."

Most of the boys smiled seeing Kujiro trying to explain himself.

"Guys lets focus please!" Aria shouted gaining the whole groups attention.

Tawanda muttered, "We hear you Miss number 181, take a chill pill would yah."

"Someone remind her that we are class Zero." Whispered Emily to the group.

"Her attitude is for someone in the White and Black Classes." Viola added gaining everyone's nods.

Sam just sipped his lemonade and thought, 'For the seventh time why am I in this class.'

Priya clicked her tongue before saying, "So my plan is combine our magic bullet and create an ultimate magic bullet."

"You mean like a magic rocket."

"You said your name was Sky right?"

"I told you before that Sky was my name. Priya."

"You have to shut up, I am working here."

Sky twisted his lips and said, "Fine I will shut up."

"The idea sounds great but its not all of us who have the beginner skills."

At David's word Priya smiled before saying, "I too don't have the beginner skills but I will make sure this will work."

"What I mean is I don't have any attack skills."

Priya patted David and said, "Ohh honey just stay there and eat your Cheetos okay."

David nodded as he opened another pack of Cheetos as Priya asked, "Anyone else without the beginner skills."

Aria raised her hand, "I am a flame mage."

"She so doesn't belong to this class." Tawanda murmured underneath his breath.

"How can a book worm be in the last class. By the way my name is Sky."

"I know right. My name is Tawanda by the way but you can call me Urchin, everyone calls me that."

"Urchin as in mischievous?"


"Friends then."


"Hey you two what where your names again?" Aria asked as veins popped out of her forehead.

The brown coil haired boy smiled before saying, "He is Urchin and I am Sky as I have told you for the past hundred times."

"Next time keep your thoughts to yourself. You... you... just shut up okay!" Aria shouted gaining the boys silence.

"Thank you for that Aria," Priya stood up and continued, "If we all combine our magic bullet before shooting it and pouring all our mana, we might work out something great."

Priya stopped speaking as her eyes feasted on something she could only see.

[Dean Evester (LV:???) is impressed by your quick mind. Likability + 5

Likability Value +7

-The higher the likability Value the more quest and favors will be given to you] 

Her eyes wide opened as she read every text shown by the system window, but she kept herself calm and continued speaking to the group.

"Aria you will be the last to attack. Use your strongest attack and you will be after us.

With that said now lets all stand up and attack him."

The rest of the class stood up and started walking the ever green grass field.

Fear, joy, curiosity and other different emotions were visible in the group's faces.

The group quickly arrived near their handsome pink haired teacher, who showed no sort of emotion on his dashing face.

"All the boys crouch." Lynotte said with a straight face as he hid his wicked smile in his mind.

Palletier frowned a bit and asked, "Why should you do that."

"Listen baby girl. There are to many of us trying to shot this thing, so to make space some of us have to crouch."

Everyone nodded at the grey haired boy's reasoning and all the boys crouched down.

The girls joined and their hands were all connected, as a purple magic bullet with a diameter and length of 1 metre materialized.

"[Mega Magic bullet]"

The magic bullet left the the groups combined hands aiming at their teacher.

Dean who was seeing the magic bullet coming after him was shocked and a small smile was pasted in his face, as images of the past flashed before him.

He saw a white haired 15 year old wearing a green mage robe, standing in front a grave made of stones. The boy was crying as clenched his small fist.

"Hic.. hic... I will make hic... a magic bullet and make it into the second year at Magic Academy."

Even after saying what was in his heart, the boy kept on crying.

Dean's vision returned to normal and he could see the magic bullet shot by his students coming towards him at a very high speed.

He raised his right hand to face the coming attack and a small pink bullet starting forming up.

"Magic Bullet"

Dean launched his attack towards the incoming massive magic bullet.


A loud explosion sound was heard from the collision of the attacks. Rays of mana could be seen dancing in the air.

"Trash huh? That guy was trash," Dean said, as smiled, his students didn't notice it since there was smoke covering their vision.

Dean stopped smiling and walked towards his students slowly.

Soon enough the image of Dean could be seen coming out from the smoke.

"Fire ball"

Aria shot a medium sized fire ball towards Dean who just jumped the attack letting it go past him.

Aria was about to shot a Fire Arrow when Dean said, "You can stop now. Our lessons start tomorrow you can go home for the remainder of the day."

A system window popped in front of each of the students faces.

[Dean Evester LV:??? Is impressed by you.

Quest Complete

Level up ↑

Level up ↑

Likability Value +3]

Dean who didn't see this kept on walking towards the direction of the school gate.

After recovering their lost mana from leveling up the students stared at the image of Dean.

Sky smiled, "So he really is."

Urchin nodded and said, "Our Teacher is an NPC."

Ken smiled and asked, "So your names are Sky and Urchin right?"

"Ohh! Come on!"

Everyone started laughing at the raging Sky.