First Lesson

Back when I was a kid, I was so bad at magic that I would tell people I would be a Magic teacher.

Unlike other kids who wanted to be great mages and be summoned to Floating Island of Mages, Niferstar.

I still can't believe that something I said, so I wouldn't be bullied actually came true.

Its the first promise I have ever kept to my mother so far.

I promised my mother plenty of things, but a number of those were just a basket of empty promises.

If I look back at it, I was really stupid back then.

I only said those things just to make her happy and enjoy that dinner she cooked.

Every boy loves their mother's cooking, even if it taste bad to others.

Love you moms... you are the best.

Lets not forget dads too.

Girls do love their fathers after all.

Boys love mothers.

Girls love dads.

Most boys out there probably want to punch their dads right in the face sometimes... trust me I know.

When girls fight with their moms, there is more shouting and less fighting.

If its grandparents, everyone loves them and the reason to that I don't have a clue about it.

Well all parents are good, depending on where you are standing on.

Right now I am looking at my extended family and what I told you is true.

The girls all love me, well some of them.

But the boys none of them love me, even Kujiro too, what a traitor.

Its just the second day and I am already getting divisions around the class.

The loud mouth duo that is always talking. Sky and Urchin. I can't pronounce Urchin's real name so I will just call him what he wants to be called. I pity the handsome face being wasted on him 

The silent group has Sam, Flynn and Kelly. Seriously the group doesn't talk at all. There are creepy... uhum a teacher shouldn't say that about his students.

The hungry duo Viola and David. Those two only know how to eat like some.... food predators.

The anime and comic book nerds has Boyle, Mizuko and Palletier. It still amazes me seeing more girls in this group.

The book worms group with Aria, Rossi, Emilly and Priya. I don't think Priya really plays with the group in search for knowledge. She is too much of a manipulating type.

The crybaby girls, Sofie and Janice. I am positive to hear a lot of them crying in the future from useless staff.

Did I forget some boys?

Yes the group that is glaring daggers at me.

The perverts....

Kujiro, Lynotte, Ken and Andre

Those morons a giving me a headache. Dealing with one pevert is hard enough.

I can't even believe Kujiro plays with them, he just started going out with Rossi, I don't care what happens to that traitor.

I am currently seating under a plum blossom tree and the weather today is quite chilly. After the 'Era Of Sunless' the weather patterns have been unpredictable.

A new month called Maimber was added after December and it has 30 days. A single day has 28 hours now.

I really need to take a classroom in one of those 7 skyscrapers as my classroom before it rains.

So you know, I don't work on rainy days.

And in order for us to get a new classroom I need this little shits to win against one of the class.


Just look at them.

"Hey lets skip lessons today."

"I am with you their Urchin. Lets go to the arcade."

Sky and Urchin stood up and I frowned before saying, " You two sit down, I am going to start the lesson."

Urchin scoffed, "What can you teach us old man?"

Old man, My soul is 27 and the body I am in is 25.

Which part of that is Old?


After hanging up Urchin and Sky upside down on the cherry blossom tree, using a silence spell to make sure I don't hear their big pipes for the rest of the day.

I stood up and removed my shades.

"Today I am going to introduce you to the types of mages you will be....

First is a Control Mage, this usually involves the use of telekinesis and a very good mana control.

Second is support Mage. This is the safest out of all the branches. It includes the use of debuff magic and healing magic.

The third is attack Mage. This involves the use of destructive spells.

The last one is mind mage. This ones deal with all the group decision making and must have a high mental strength. Some mind mages possess Mental Attack spells for self defense.

Any questions regarding the lesson so far?'

No body raised theirs hands and when I was about to peak Aria raised hers.

I kept my a straight face, " Yes Aria."

"So which branch do you recommend up us to take?"

"Smart question there Aria. I will choose that in a month's time for now you need to learn the basics."

After a few seconds of silence Rossi asked, "So what are the basics you are talking about?"

I smiled before answering to the curious girl, "First we need to make you a mana heart first of all.

Don't Ask me whats a mana because I am going to explain that to you.

A mana heart is a medium where you store your mana. 

I know you are probably wondering whats wrong with the way you keep your mana now?

Before I answer that I have a question to you. What is Mana deviation and Mana reflex.

Yes you Rossi."

"Mana Deviation is when mana flows in the wrong path making it hard for it to use skill and may result in disability if the player doesn't level up.

Mana Reflex is the back flow of mana which may lead to death if the player doesn't level up."

This world is so dependent on leveling up. Any sort of illness can be just healed by leveling up. 

But at least they can die from Mana reflex and all it takes is 5 minutes, meaning with all the pain from mana reflex the person can't level up.

Mana Deviation is just as painful as Mana reflex and I doubt a person can level up with that kind of pain going around. 

Its hard to breathe when one is attacked by one of this two.... The system is not so great after all.


Why am I thinking like this?

Damn it this Villian side of me.

I stopped smiling and cleared my throat and continued with my lesson.

"Thank You Rossi.

When you have a mana heart you won't suffer from any of the two. As an added advantage its easy to cast spells and to refill your mana

Meaning you don't have to wait to level up to refill your mana. We will do that after creating a man heart.

A mana heart has 8 stages and the first stage is called the non-circle stage. The first stage is easy to make, I will teach you about the other stages in the future.

Now I want you all to sit cross legged and follow my every instruction carefully, unless you want to die."

I could see fear and hesitation dance around the students faces, but I just ignored them and just watched as they all sat cross legged.

"Now Kujiro do want I told you and after you are done take the car and go met up with your Master in the First District.

But first un-hung this two idiots."

Kujiro nodded and started un-hunging the two idiots before placing buckets in front the students before he left. 

I feel sorry for the guy, the method I used to make a mana heart for him was rushed and he will never pass the 3rd Circle Level.

But its not something to worry about, he is going to be a Martial Artist after all.

I shock my head and looked at the remaining students.

"The first to making a mana heart is to be able to feel the mana inside your body first. 

After that is done I want you to move that mana towards your heart. The amount of mana you move doesn't have to be plenty, just a little bit is fine.

So this will be easy for those with less mana inside their bodies.

When your heart starts feeling warm stop immediately and let the impurities came out of your body, hence the use of the buckets in front of you.

You may start now and if any of you have problems you can ask me and I will assist you.

Remember there is no use in rushing take it slow."

The brats started to feel the mana in their bodies and even though they were slow, they were still better than me.

I couldn't make a mana heart in my past life because I had to much mana in my body. Every time I tried I would always end up coughing out blood from hurting myself.

Its a good thing I learned to create a mana body or I would have died from Mana Reflex.

I did get mana reflex once and it was painful as hell, but ended up being saved by my ex-fiance. That's how I feel in love with her.

I don't really blame myself, as almost everyone falls in love with the person who saves them.

I forgave her for running away from me at the alter... it was a wedding with no guest after all.


The school ends at 1700hrs and its now 1500hrs. I am seating in the kitchen eating instant noodles and I am really proud with my students they all made a mana heart without a glich.

I did have problems with David as he had to much fat playing around his heart, so I had to help him. I figured something interesting about him..

His body can absorb infinite amounts mana and turn it into his own.

Isn't that cool. He is awe~ wait for it ~some.

All that's left is to reduce the fat he has and I will have a great Mage out of him.

The other thing is that Sky and Urchin were the first to finish making a mana heart. I honestly thought Priya would be considering her job.