
"Mages and Martial Artist don't have much of a difference. They all use mana but what they call and use it is different.

Mages can store mana at the heart or body. The stored mana is then released in the form of magic spells.

There are five types of magic spells. Mental, Spiritual, Soul, Elemental and Non-Elemental spells. We will dig deeper into that in the future.

Martial Artist store mana in the body, heart or a Dantian, which is located around the abdomen. The stored mana is called Ki or Aura depending on where you are from.

The Aura/ki is released in form of a protective cover around the body. It is mainly released around the hands and legs first.

The Aura/ki can coat around weapons and if the person is strong enough the Aura/ki can cover this whole place.

Martial Artist can perform long ranged attacks or Elemental attacks, but that's for another day.

Any questions on what I have said so far?"

I removed my shade glasses as I leaned on the plum blossom tree, the weather is quite hot today.

My student are under the shades of the trees I am facing in their respective groups. The air around the class today is rather low and unpleasant.

Most of them are embarrassed about yesterday's bucket incident.

As you well know by now that making a mana heart makes one puke all the impurities in the body.

That didn't play out right with this brats. They can't look me straight in the face. The girls faces are all red with embarrassment and the boys are just looking sideways.

Sky and Urchin didn't puke out anything, thanks to their bodies being clean internally. The duo ended up laughing at Sophie and Janice who almost filled their buckets.

The perverts didn't like this and attempted to throw their buckets at the two boys, but missed and ended up hitting Boyle. It was Ken who did that, I honestly think he just wanted to hit his sister.

The nerd group got angry and a bucket throwing fight started. It was a perfect 3 on 3 fight which ended up with all members of the 2 groups covered in black impurities.

It was messy and gross at the same time and the funny thing is that the two groups which started the fight went home with clean clothes.

Sky and Urchin. I can't believe those brats who are playing candy land right now in the middle of the lesson, caused the first fight of my class.

But not only that, the mana around their heart is so dense to the point they can be confused for a first circle mage.

It is fascinating.

The other thing that surprised me was how this brats were able to move quickly after they made the mana heart. One should feel weak and tired after making a mana heart, but they all looked fine like they had gained all the lost energy.

Did they Level up?

Nah, I am probably over thinking things.

Today Kujiro didn't come to class as he has finally began learning his master's martial arts. I had to take the subway today and it will remain like that for another month according to Chang Sung's words.

"Hey Dean are you still teaching, if you are not you can just let us go home."

I came back to my senses at Urchin's words and looked at the brat who had a huge grin on his face.

"I was about to end the lesson, but since you like the lesson so much I will teach you something."

I could see Urchin's face sulking and I just kept on smiling inwards.

Its a good thing I told this jerks that if the lesson is over before home time, they can go home.

But to think he would try to use that against me.... he is such a brat.

"I am going to teach you how to increase the mana in your heart by using a breathing method.

I know you can just refill your mana by leveling up, but I am talking about a way to increase your mana without even leveling up.

There are many breathing methods and all have their set of advantages and disadvantages.

Today I will teach a fast breathing method without any disadvantages. Even if you say "no" I am still going to teach you.

The method I am going to teach you is called Different Sky. Its a stupid name I know, Even if you curse it, I am okay with it."

I stood up as I felt rage starting to boil up in my heart and face the blazing sun.

I can't believe I will be teaching the breathing method of the Hero's family.

Why do I have to think about the past all of a sudden?

But wait...

There is no reason why I shouldn't be teaching this method, after all it was only know by the Hero.

I can just picture the image of Luke and Lucas cursing right now.

Emhehe! Ehehe! Eeehehehe!

"Dean, can you please stop smiling like that... its creepy"

"Shut Up"

Shaking my head at Mizuko's remark, I looked at the other students and continued the lesson, "Now you guys just sit in the same position you did yesterday."

"What!?" Ken shouted, "Are we going to do the same thing we did yesterday. It was hard to get ride of the awful stench."

"Heh," Mizuko grinned, "How can you smell nice when you always play with yourself all night."

"You are not getting the point idiot," Ken scoffed before giving her a side long glance.

Palletier with an intense look rolled her eyes and said, "Stop acting cool, when you smell like horse shit."

Ken lingered for a few seconds before Lynotte covered for him, "... Stop acting like a princess, you where covered in it too."

I heaved a deep sigh before stopping the arguments before they went any further, "Guys, I don't disallow to make rivalry, but you don't fight during my lessons. You can came to me so we can end this by making you fight against each other and the loser will do what ever the winner wishes for the whole year."

There was dead silence in between the two groups as they wager down their options.

I shock my head, "Okay now everyone sit cross legged so I can start teaching you the breathing method."

The group quickly sat cross legged, but I am sure for a second they stopped and stared at empty air like they was something visible only to them.

"Sigh," I leaned on the tree, "The process we are doing today is very similar to want we did before. Instead of trying to feel the mana in your body, today you are feeling the mana in the atmosphere.

Once you are down doing that you we see that the mana in the atmosphere has three color, Gold, White and Black. All you have to do is absorb the mana and the ratio in which you take it in doesn't matter.

When the mana is in your body move it to your heart and you move it out of the heart to the rest of the body, before bringing it back to the heart again.

It's similar to how air moves around the body, so if you understand human respiration and human blood flow its easy.

The first to finish and feel just like they had enough can go home but remember what I told you yesterday don't rush take your time."

I clapped my hands, "Everybody begin."

All nineteen students began to few the mana in the air and it shouldn't come as a surprize Sky and Urchin were the first to fell it in less than 3 minutes.

Sky was only 3 seconds later than Urchin and I can see a circle starting to form slowly around their hearts.

This guys are really geniuses to have this high affinity for mana. 

I am really curious, I don't like what I am going to do next but this two boys are really making me turn against my own beliefs.

Thanks to 'Word Soul Magic' I can see souls, and to see the souls of living beings I have to cover my eyes, mind and soul with mana.

A person's soul is located at the brain.It a non existing energy that takes the form of the user's body.

When a person is near death it then comes out of the body. It can stay outside the body for a total of 30 days before it perishes. It can go back in the body during this days as long as the body doesn't resist the soul.

In some special cases the soul might linger on in the world of the living due to an unfinished desire or when a person tries to became a Demi-god and that's the case with Chang Sung's soul.

Soul's have different colors and the darker the color the more corrupt that person is. Corrupt souls are mostly resisted by the body if they try to get back to the body after death.

In my past life my soul was purple, but now its bright pink. I am not really sure why it turned out like that but so far I haven't discovered any problems.

I focus my mana on my eyes, mind and soul and I could see small lights on the students heads indicating their souls.

I didn't pry on the others and focused more on the ones I needed to see.

I started with Sky since he finished last. I could see his soul and it was, 


It was just their floating freely, I quickly moved to Urchin as I can only see living souls only for two minutes.

Urchin's soul was the some as Sky's. Its even more surprising to see people with the same soul color.

"Just what are this two?"