Stewart Waitfoit

I don't want to lie, she was beautiful in all aspects of her slender body. Her was face was charming, with long straight black, silver shine hair and matching eyes. She was tall, but still shorter than me; her skin was smooth- pale. She wasn't smiling, with her magic staff directly pointed at me.


At the end of the robotic voice, I jumped back creating space between me and the beautiful girl.

"[Massive Fire Ball]"

The girl looked like she wasn't playing games as she shot a fire ball thrice my size towards me from her wooden wand.

I could few the scotching coming from that gigantic fire ball, my hands were sweating and I knew if I didn't act soon I will burned to a crisp to the point where ashes won't be left.

My mind started contemplate how all this began.


I felt a burning sensation around my heart and I stopped breathing in mana. There were two circles of mana dancing around it. My body felt like it was renewed and I could feel mana covering a radius of 300 metres.

It was like I had awaken in a totally different world. I felt closer to the universe and my senses were enriched.

I slowly opened my azure blue eyes to be greeted by a barrage of system messages in front of me.


Level Up↑


Level Up↑


Level Up↑


Different Sky (New) LV: ???

- A mana breathing method made by ??? from ???. It is ???.


[Dean Evester LV:??? Is impressed by you.

Quest Complete

1000 Exp

Likability Value +5

Total Likability Value: 27]



Name: Sky Yu

Job: Mage

- Able to understand the use and application of magic spells.

Level: 14 > 24

EXP: 40/100


Strength - 10>20/ Agility - 14>21/ stamina - 14>28/ defense - 7>10 / Mana - 30>150


Magic Bullet (MAX)/ Magic arrow(MAX)/ Magic spike(MAX)/ Mana Heart (LV:3)/ Different Sky (LV:???)


My eyes widen opened from shock. Level:??? skills have never been spotted even in the game.

Just who the hell is Dean Evester?

Is a reincarnator or regressor? What ever he is, it's not my business to pry into it.

My smart watch vibrated and I couldn't resist the need to take a peak. There were many unread messages from our class group chat.

But there were pinned messages that reflected the most above the rest.

[Sir Pink Shades doesn't know that he is an NPC lol ~Sofie Smith]

[Urchin and Sky don't be stupid and tell him this (clown face) ~ Janice Wu.]

"Tsk," I clicked my tongue and turned off my smart watch and looked at Urchin who was standing up next time.

"You are done too Sky. I just hit Level 24." Urchin extended his hand towards me.

"Same here," I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up. 

I looked at the night sky and couldn't help but notice two half moons floating in the sky.

The purple moon was above the white moon. I still can't believe the fact that when I was 5 there was only one moon in the sky.

"Too bad its late, hope we can finish the lessons tomorrow quickly and hung out at McVilles."

Urchin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I couldn't help but thank Dean for saying who ever finishes first can go home.

"You two are finally done."

I could hear Dean's voice coming from Plum Blossom tree and before I could locate the branch he was sitting on, he had already jumped down.

He looked tired more than his usually self, who is always lazying around trying to sing.

Even though I can feel mana of the things around me, I can't even feel a grain of Dean's mana. More like he doesn't have mana at all.

Urchin's mana is the same value as mine.

Dean smiled and walked towards us, "You two boys have caused quite a mess with your madness."

Urchin smiled and asked, "Which mess are you talking about?"

Dean looked at the beautiful sky, "You will find about it tomorrow anyways, why the rush? let's get you boys home. I don't want to leave you alone at school. Who knows what stunt you might pull?"

"Okay," I nodded, "We live in the same apartment in District 25."

Dean just nodded and lead the way. We just followed him through the cobblestone path that took us to Academy gates.

Few of the classroom in the 6 towers had lights on indicating that some people were still there. Along the way we exchanged, in small talk in which Dean didn't bother to take part in.

"Hey, Sky we should watch the new Die Solo movie."

"Is it released yet?"

"Next Friday it will be."


"Hello Dean Evester, the magic teacher who can't use magic, huhuhu!"

I couldn't finish answering Urchin as an annoying voice in a British modulate disturbed me. We all turned around and looked at the source.

It was a man who looked to be in his early thirties. He had a body figure similar to Dean's shrouded by a green mage robe with red edges.

He had snow white pale skin with short wavy raven black hair on his below average long shape face with a pickdevant beard and mustache.

Dean maintained a straight face, "Who might you be?"

The man smiled, "I am class 2 Emerald homeroom teacher Stewart Waitforit."

A moment of silence engulfed us as we waited for Stewart to finish his introduction.

Dean put his hands on our shoulders and whispered, "I think his last name is Wait for it."

"Yes." Stewart nodded, "My last name is indeed Waitforit."

At the end of Stewart words we all fall into a pit of laughter and I could see Stewart's face twisting making him more ugly.

"Are you done laughing?" Stewart's voice was calm but filled rage.

"No," Urchin smiled, "We are just waiting for it."

We laughed a bit before Dean said, "That's enough boy let's, hear what Mr.'Waitforit' here has to say, he probably doesn't want to keep his wife waiting."

Vein popped out on Waitforit's face, "Have you know I am only 24 and still a virgin."

"What!" All three of us shouted at the same time, as seeing a person above the age of 16 who never got laid before is amazingly shocking, its more to the side of stupid actually and not to mention he looks way older than his age.

Even I did it, twice with the same girl.

Ahem, we started laughing again and I could feel my stomach hurt from all the laughing.

"Shut up!" Waitforit's voice echoed through the whole campus and he released a barrage of magic power from his body.

It felt like I was being choked by two giant hands and my body was heavy like a mountain was being crushed on top of me. My legs where about to give out, 


Dean clicked his left fingers and all the pressure surrounding me vanished like it was never their. Both me and Urchin started gasping for air.

Dean's shadow started shaking, but his body was perfectly still, "Hey Stewart Waitforit just go straight to the point, before I cut that mustache off your ugly face."

Dean words were clam like he was unfazed by this whole scenario, which angered Steward more.

Waitforit for it forced a fake smile, "I challenge you to a duo Dean Evester, " Steward's started grinning like a maniac, "Of course you are allowed to turn off the match, but you would have to stop being a teacher."

"I agree," But whats in it for me in this duo."

"What? You think you can win." Waitforit shock his head before adding, "In the lucky chance that you win, I will gladly give you all floors I own in the Emerald tower, but thats if you I agree to one more condition."

Dean cleared his ear, "What condition would be that?"

Waitforit smiled and said, "This two brats you are with now should face of my top two students and if all two of them lose, your job here is done."

"Well," Dean crossed his arms, "teaching outside is great why don't you offer something more, like you also lose your job by any chance you lost the match."

"You are so full of yourself, do you think your sister will protect you like last time," Stewart scoffed, "Sure thing see you on Friday."

Dean just nodded and so did I. I can't tell why but I believe in him as a teacher.

Waitforit didn't waste a single moment and walked away.

Dean just stared at the green robed man, "Are you two up for it."


[New quest arrived

Win against one of Class 2 Emerald's top student


260EXP, + 6 Likability Value


-300 Exp, -10 Likability value

Time limit end of Friday]

I nodded, "Yep."

Urchin smiled, "As long, as we don't spend the whole day at school."

Dean rufled our hair, "Sure thing and thats because we are awe-wait fo it-"

We all laughed before going towards the Academy gate.