Mana Control

Dean has been underwater for almost an hour and now we are just eating as a class. The tension around Nerds and Perverts seems to have died down just a little.

Not a single word has been said among the two groups. I am currently eating kimchi while enjoying the talks.

David staffed in another piece of his chocolate cake, "Why did Dean ask to me stay, I understand why if its Orange Gorilla and pervy snake here."

So you know Orange Gorilla is Mizuko and Pervy Snake is Andre, if it was the past 3 days those two would have already been shouting at David for calling them that.

Mizuko put her cutlets down and said in a weakly voice, "He is probably going to let us drown in the water."

Andre started shaking, "And he will leave us there to die at the bottom of the sea."

"You are right," Mizuko grabed Andre's arm, "We will be eaten by the hungry sharks and our blood will dilute the sea, telling the tale of our strugle for life."

Those two wouldn't sit next to each other, let alone hold each other. What really happened yesterday?

"There is no way Dean would do that, he is a nice guy." David said as he munched another piece of cake.

Looking at David's bad eating habits I lost the need to eat, and he just took away my bowl of Kimchi away. Apparently he is the nicest guy in the whole class.

I turned to Urchin who was next to me and saw a very surprising sight. Janice has been sitting next him with her face all red.

Urchin finished eating his shawarma and turned to face Janice, "Is something wrong? You have been taking glances at me this whole time I have been eating."

Janice noded, "Yes. Sorry for calling you last night, your number just suddenly popped out on screen. Yes thats what happened, hahaha~."

She has lost it, I am 90% sure that she is in love with him. 

"Okay," Urchin smiled, "Its no big deal after all I did hear you cursing Dean."

Steem started coming out from Janice charming small round shaped face.

"So you did what I thought you would do, so predictable."

We all turned our heads towards the shore as it was a voice we didn't think we could hear in this story. I was shocked to see that not even a single drop of water could be spotted on Dean's body.

"Its all your fault you crazy teacher! I hate you!" Janice roared at the pink haired man coming towards us.

He just smiled and said, "Okay you brats its time for you to go out there and finish this lesson."


A holographic light green system panel popped up infront of my eyes.

[New Quest Arrived

-Walk 100 metres on top of water

-Walk 100 matres on thin air

-Breath under water for 5 minutes


-Mana Control Skill


-All stats +10  


-Do it until you get it right even if it takes a 100 years. ]

We all noded at the same time and packed back our food into our storage spaces. I only used 4 slots on my inventory and all are filled with clothes only.

David walked towards Dean and handed him box of pizza, "Dean I bought this pizza at 100 Moz a piece and I would like you to have it all."

What kind of pizza cost 100 Moz a piece, more like 1 Moz a piece.

Dean took the pizza, "Thanks David I won't feed you to the sharks, like what I am going to a certain couple sitting amidist your classmates, hehehe~"

Mizuko and Andre shrieked in fear as they helped each other up.

I walked towards the water and when I got there I started drawing out mana from my heart.

As the mana moved I felt lighter and yet an enormous strength coursing through my body. I felt refreshed like I had been feed energy drugs.

"Sky you are using to much man!"

I returned back to my senses when I heard Dean's voice echo in my ears. I looked a myself and find out that I was floating a few inches from the ground and I was shrouded by a white light all over my body.

All of my classmates were taking baby steps in the water with Urchin and Aria running about.

I started limiting the amount of mana coming from heart, until I landed on the ground.

"This is going to be easy," I smircked before dashing towards the water.


"Huff~ huff~"

Panting heavely I throw myself down to the ground. The white mana coating my body vanished into thin air.

I thought this was going to be easy but thanks to that Devil Dean it was like climbing a mountain while carrying an asteroid.

He made shockwaves when we were walking on water and shot at us with magic bullets. My tracksuit is all wet thanks to that, he hit me twice in the butt.

When we were walking on air he shot magic arrows arrows at us and there was one arrow that followed me no matter how much I ran. I ended up being shot in the butt again leading me to fall in the water.

Before we went under water he gave us ankle and wrist magic bracelets that weighed 20 Kilos each.

But the funny thing is that the all the girls and David didn't get attacked by that Devil teacher. He even went easy on them by giving them magic bracelets that weighed half of the weight we had.

Is he into little girls or something? But that doesn't explan why he went easy on David.

Is it because David is fat or because of that pizza? Mostly about the pizza, that Devil won't even feel pity for a dying person.

"Is he trying to get back at us for calling him by his name," Lynotte weakly said as he threw himself next to me.

"No," Urchin took on large breathes of air, " Its because he always wanted to beat us since the first day he saw us."

We all noded as it made sense for Dean to be the type to enjoy people suffering.



Mana Control (New) (LV:1)

- Makes it easy to control mana stored in the body at will.


[Quest Complete

-Mana Control Skill aquired

-Homework will be given soon

-All stats +10  ]

I felt a little refreshed from the stat increase but not much as when I leveled up. This is the first quest we didn't level up.

Dean clapped his hands as a wicked smile danced around his handsome face, "Good job I am impressed by you all. Come get your homework and go home. Girls first as it seems all the boys are just all talk."

The girls got their homework and went home leaving only Mizuko behind. Even though we still felt pain in our muscles we managed to walk over to Dean and received our homework.

As soon as I got the 100 paged book from the pink haired bastard a system window popped infront of my eyes.


[Homework Quest Arrived

-Memorize all the handsigns

-Be able to perform at least one spell by the end of the day.


-Mana control Level up

-80 EXP points

-Mana + 10 ]


[Pre-Midterm Quest Arrived

- Break the Weight Magic bracelets

- Be able to perform 10 spells from hand signs.

- ???

- ???

- ???

- ???


-500 EXP points



-Vacation school

???  ]


I was shocked behold belief not by the fact that I received two quest at once but by the fact that we were received tips on the midterms.

I opened the grey book and I couldn't resist the edge to giggle a bit.


"Dean you write like a girl, don't you know how to use a printer."

"Shut up. For your on information that's Magic paper it took the 5 days to finish writing that and you are welcome by the way."

I walked away from Dean's sight and kept on reading the book.

[ {Image} Ox handsign

-Right hand horizontal, left hand vertical.

{Image} Ram handsign

-left thumb on top, hands together vertically

{Image} horse handsign

-Both elbows out, index finger form a triangle.


= ]

The first 20 pages where filled with instructions of how to perform handsings only. The remaining pages where filled with combination that make up spells.

Spell skill cost over a million Moz and he is just giving them at us.


My heart slammed against my chest like crazy as if I was high on adrenaline.

"Ehe hehehe~"

A soft escaped my trembling lips as a tear excaped my right eye.

....Yes, I was laughing and crying at the same time.

I was smiling yet sad, for the first time in my life I truly feel like smiling for real.

I was feeling excited.

The last time my heart slammed against my chest so hard was when my parents where killed by the man I currently call father.

I don't really care about how I do it, but I must make sure to end his life with my own hands.

I had a pretty normal life but he turned that into a nightmare whilist pretending to act like a sheep while he is a wolf inside.

The days I had to put on a smile while crying inside are coming to an end.