Urchin Vs Barney1

[Name: Barney Volka

Job: Elementalist Mage

-Gives affinity to all elements

Level: 28

EXP: 63/100


Strength - 30/ Agility - 26/ stamina - 30/ defence - 34/ Mana - 70


Lock Target (LV: MAX)/ Fire Rain (MAX)/ Earth Spike (LV:MAX)/ Basic Shield (LV:MAX)/ Ice Arrow (LV:MAX)/ Water Slash (LV:MAX)/ Lighting Chain (LV: MAX)/ Flight (LV:MAX)/ Earth Shield (LV: 21)/ Massive Fire Ball (LV:23)


Hut Grimoire (Copy) (Supreme) - Increases attack skills power by 20 %]

Fiend transformation locket (Supreme) - Gives the user access to Demonic Mana turning them into Demonic humans. (Mana +70)


[Name: Urchin

Job: Rune Mage

- Undersands the use of writings to make magic spells.

Level: 24 > 25

EXP: 15/100


Strength - 33>45 (-15)/ Agility - 25>32/ stamina - 30>45/ defence - 10>19/ Mana - 150>180


Magic Bullet (MAX)/ Magic arrow(MAX)/ Magic spike(MAX)/ Mana Heart (LV:3)/ Different Sky (LV:???)/ Mana Control(LV:4)/ Handsign Mastery (LV:1)/ Time Element (LV:1) ]



For a few seconds both the red eyed boys stared at each other. Barney was the first to move by openning his grimoire.

"[Lighting Chains]


Seven chains made from yellow lighting rushed towards towards Urchin, who showed an other worldly agility by using quick footwork to dodge all the lighting chains.

Barney's face boiled with rage as he roared, "Are you a Martial Artist."

Urchin calmly replied, "Your attacks where to slow and I don't want to hear complains from someone using a magic item."

Before Barney could say anything furthur, Urchin fired two Mana Arrows in his direction.

"Tsk," Barney clicked his tongue before saying, "[Flight]"

Barney started to raise above the ground letting the two Arrows pass undernith his feet.

Urchin fired two more Mana Arrows which Barney quickly dodged.

White he was still flying, Barney opened his grimoire and quickly fired another attack.

"[Massive Fire Ball]"

A huge fire ball was launched towards the time mage, Urchin quickly printed hand signs and appeared in front of Barney while performing a roundhouse kick.


By making the hand signs - Horse, Ox, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Dragon, Ram 

[Time Element: Short Teleportion] - Urchin can teleport to a place within a 300 metre radius from where he is standing. The spell has a one minute time limit before the next use.




The kick landed flat across Barney's side ribe's, making him fall to the ground while he grunt in pain.

Urchin moved quickly and fired several magic bullets at the falling Barney. He wanted to make sure that his opponent was exhausted of all his sheild spells before taking things seriously.

"Magic magic Machine gun!" Urchin shouted


Barney quickly made a two layer shield with shattered completely from the attacks and before he fell face of the ground regained his balance, making him able to dodge the last magic bullets.

However, Barney didn't have the luxury of making an attack. Countless Magic bullets where coming towards him like their were being shot by a gatling gun.

Urchin stopped firing at the black haired boy, giving leeway to Barney to make an attack.

"[Massive Fire Ball]"

Horse, Ox, Bird, Tiger, Dog, Boar, Rat

"[Time Element: Point Reversal]"

The fire ball suddenly vanished like it was never there to start with.

Barney's contorted with rage as he bellowed, "What did you do!?"


Point Reversal —Can reverse the time of objects and living things depending on the mana and mastery of the spell. It can not bring a person back to life. It has a 3 minute time limit before the next use.


Ignoring the punk haired senior, Urchin willed mana into his legs at Barney closing the distance between them in a mere second.


Urchin threw in a jab at his opponent's face with great might. However, Barney was quick to react by making a two metre two Earth Shield.

Using this chance, Barney openned his grimoire and shot an Ice arrow towards the young time mage crotch area



Urchin seeing danger quickly approach, used great agility to print handsigns and vanished from where he was before appearing on the ground a few metres from Barney.

"That why its bad to perform close raged attack," Urchin said as he shot three magic spike towards his senior.

"[Water slash]"


Barney opened his grimoire and a wide arc made from Water materialised in front of him and clashed with the magic spikes.

'This is weird,' He thought before coming to a conclusion, 'Its like the whole class has a skill that increases their mana.'

Barney's conclusion wasn't far off. The Mana heart skill does infact increase a person's mana capacity, but the real reason was Urchin was using weak spells that use low mana figure him out.

Urchin channeled mana inside his body until a faint blue light started to cover his whole body. He leaped towards Barney.

"Stupid attempt," Barney spoke and quickly grabbed the hut grimoire while fired 5 Earth Spikes towards Urchin, "You must never charge at a person in a straight line,"

Urchin perfectly dodged the attacks making it seem like they passed right through him.


Urchin Mana can make him slow time by 5 seconds.He can keep this up for a minute. It has a 5 minute cool down period.


"....?" Burney was left speechless and he started sweating in fear, as Urchin sent a cross cut punch towards his chest



When Urchin's fist connected, Barney felt air gashing out of his lungs. Everything momentarily blacked out before he was flying towards the floor.

His body fiddled on the ground like soccer ball on a slope before finally coming to a stop.

He soon came to his senses, however he couldn't resist the edge to cough up a mouthful of blood before mastering the strength to get up.

"Just what the hell is this class!?" Barney roared, wiping the blood from the side of his lips.

He picked up his grimoire and looked at Urchin, who was landing on the ground with an expressionless face.

Realizing that he would shame his teacher if he doesn't recover his game, Barney started to grit his teeth in rage.

Barney channeled mana into his locket and an ominous dark energy started to sip into his body. Only then did Urchin did notice the pentagram locket on Barney's chest.


Barney roared as claws and fangs started to grow out from his body. His whole body ash black together with sclera.

Barney had used the the Fiend locket.

Fiends are humans who have Demonic Mana in their bodies turning them into malignant beings. 

Only Dark Mages can keep Demonic Mana inside their bodies thanks to creating a Mana Body.

Sensing that things were getting heated up, Urchin got serious.

"Not human huh? Now I think he was saying the truth," he muttered as he thought about what his teacher said before the match.

"Not so strong now!" Barney barked, and started casting a Massive Fire Ball attack, which rushed towards the red haired boy.

Seeing the coming the time mage didn't waste time and began making handsigns.


The Fire ball vanished giving chance to Urchin to channel Mana towards his legs, with a burst of speed he charged directly at Barney.

"Lets take of," Urchin started floating, as he shot multiple magic bullets towards Fiend.

Demonic Mana rose Barney's body, blocking Urchin's attacks and also his vision. He used this chance to cast another spell.

"[Target Lock: Fire Rain]"

Yes he was prepared to kill Urchin.

"Its a good thing I still have half of my mana left." Seeing the large drops of fire coming towards him, he started channeling mana until his body started to glow blue.


Smoke rose from the ground as Urchin perfectly dodged the large drops of fire which left huge cracks on the floor.

As soon as the fire drop stopped, the red haired boy didn't waste time and began shooting six magic arrows directly at Barney.


The arrows moved at lighting speed but thanks to his Fiend form, Barney knew he could block it.

With a loud roar a 1 metre thick and two metre tall earth shield rose to the ground, making it look like a wall.


The six arrows hit the wall and to Urchin's surprise they didn't even leave a dent on it.

Urchin landed on the ground waiting for the Earth Shield to fall down so that he can have a clear view of what Barney was doing.

Much to his surprise Barney didn't wait for the spell to die down, as three lighting chains broke down the Earth shield, charging straight at Urchin with lighting speed.


The time mage quickly printed hand signs, before vanishing from his spot and appeared in front of his senior while performing a crescent kick aiming for Barney's head.



Urchin was left speechless as Burney blocked his kick with his left forearm.

"I always wanted to do this," Burney smircked, as clenched his teeth before punching Urchin straight in the face.


- Only Dean Evester and Chang Sung can tell the difference between Demonic Mana and regular Mana, as there have been no demons spotted so far on Earth.
