I Am A Dark Mage


One of the Griffins let out a high pitched scream and darted towards me with its talons pulled back to unleash a mighty strike.

In response to its lead, the two remaining Griffins surrounded me swiftly without giving me a way to excape.

Without hesitation, I fixed my sight on the first Griffin that rushed towards me. I added a little Shadow Element mana into the Warbringer Dagger and thew it towards the half eagled creature's eye.


The dagger moved at the Griffin at breaknecking speed, but the half-lion was quick to react.


It slightly moved its head, letting the dagger pass through and hit the wall behind it.

A pink Magic circle appeared undernith my foot as I made the one handed tiger sign.

"[Shadow Element: Shadow Switch]"


I teleport at the point where my dagger had landed, leaving the first Griffiin to run into the others.


[Shadow Switch→

Made by the hand signs – Bird, Rat, Ox, Horse, Dragon, Ram, Monkey, TIger.

A shadow Element spell that makes the User teleport into the shadows of living/non-living objects with the User's Mana.]


I channeled mana into my leg, leaving a pink magic circle ground and charged at the third Griffin that had pointed its beak towards my direction.



A loud scream excaped its mouth as it shot 5 ice arows that materialised infront of its face.

I was prepared for the incoming attacks, as I raised my free palm towards he 5 arrows before a black magic circle showed up.

[Dark Corrosion]

A black smoke came from my palms that melted down on the 5 ice spike into nothing.


[Dark Corrosion→

— A Dark element spell caused by a One layer Magic Circle that eats away the Mana in all Mana related spells.]


Not disapproaved by its failed attempt the third Griffin flapped its wing as it rushed towards me, together with the other Griffins that had regained their posture.

"Fucking hell!" I cursed out loud as the temperature around me started decreasing at an alarming rate.

I started channeling mana around my body to kept myself warm, but that didn't stop the Griffins from approaching.



All the Griffins screamed as countless thunderbolts emaged from their talons heading towards my direction.

"Heh!" But I could only smirk as the fast thunderbolts rushed towards me.

[Shadow Element: Shadow Switch]


I teleported to the first magic circle I made which was behind the Griffins, leaving the thunderbolts to hit the ground creating a loud explosion.


The The Griffins quickly cleared the smoke raised from the explosion and fired a barrage of ice spikes towards my direction.



I teleported to the second Magic Circle I made, letting the Ice spikes to hit the ground. I didn't waste time and brought my palms together.

Three spiked shadow chains chains excaped from my shadow and rushed towards the three Griffins as they were not looking.


[Shadow Arsenal→

Made by the handsigns — Bird, Rat, Ox, Horse, Dragon, Ram, Dog, Serpent.

A Shadow Element spell that Summons shadow weapons from the user's shadow that can be used according to the user's will The more mana used the stronger the Weapons.]



The chains made a rattling sounds that alerted the three beast that danger was approaching. 


A loud scream excaped from the third Griffin as it was the only one that didn't manage to fly away from the shadow chains.

I quickly made a magic circle to stick the Shadow Chains to the ground, the beast continued the scream in agony as it tried to pull away from the chains.

I infused the chains with [Paralysis] magic to make sure the Eagle headed creature couldn't unbind from from the chains.


Suddenly a burst of lighting erupted from the two free Griffin's before they charged right where I was standing.

I reacted quickly, by gripping the handle of My Warbringer and quickly the offensive weapon Art I used in my past life.

[Lost Heaven Dagger Style : 2 Movements Of A Fallen Gods.]

[2/2 Moves — Illusionary slash]

Mana seeped out of my body and violently spiraled around the dagger, releasing abright purple light.

I swung my dagger towards the incoming Griffins, making a wide arc of purple mana creating multiple illusions as it fly towardsthe two half lions.


The Griffins collided with the purple Arc, creating a small explotion that pushed the two winged lions a few metres back.

"Tsk," I couldn't help but click my tongue at how weak that attack was just right now., "Next time, I will use the 1st move."


I summon multiple shadow spikes, which rushed towards.


The attacks traved at a lighting speed, but the two beast quickly reacted and flapped their wing releasing a torrent of wind that shattered all the spikes. 


A loud scream excaped the Griffins mouth as the shot a barrage of wind Arrows towards me.



I responded in kind by firing a barrage of shadows arrows, which released a metalic sound as they clashed with the wind arrows.

We stayed in the same position for a few minutes before I decided to shot shadow spears which shattered the wind Arrows and rushed towards the Griffins.

The Griffins raised their talons and deflecting the shadow spears before rushing towards me with a breathe taking spead.


The Griffins lunged forwards, slashing their deadly claws in my direction.

Reacting swiftly, I teleported to the second magic circle, narrowly avoiding my death.


No, I wasn't exaggerating.

My jacket had claw marks on it as blood trickled down from my stomach and chest area.

I am beginning to think that the third Griffin just slowed the other two down, as they are displaying a wonderful team work.

"Huh," taking a deep breathe, I decided to use the Pink Element and created multiple illusions of myself which rushed towards the two beast.



An eardrum killing scream was released from the two Griffins, which cancelled all of my illusions and even made my ears bleed.

It was like an earthquake was taking place as the whole cave started to violently shake, as rubble kept on falling to the ground.

"Arhh!" A loud groan excaped my lips, as I crouched down while holding my bleeding ears.

I channeled mana towards my ears to stop the bleeding and at the same time snow started forming around the whole cave.

My body started to slowly freeze, making it shake violently, as my teeth kept on clashing together.

I couldn't few my legs as they slowly turned into cold stone. My heart started to beat slowly as my blood couldn't keep on moving properly.

Cold steam started to excape my body as half of had turned into ice. All my sences were slowly giving up on me.

However, before my head froze, I managed to muster what little willpower I had left in me and quitely whispered:

"20 Simulation Shadow Art."


My shadow slowy ascended towards my body creaking the ice around me slowly. Darkness quickly covered my body.

My figure could only be described as a Devil that had stepped out of the deepest pits of hell.

My pink hair turned pitch abyss black and my eyes turned bloodshot pink covering the whole eye including the sclera.

Bat like wings grew from my back with a chilly pink flame burning on all the talons, illuminating the whole cave with their radient glow.

A purple pentagon shaped third eye grew from inbetween my forehead which showed me all the twenty battle simulations.

5 Wins 10 Draws 5 loses.

Crazy odds right?

"Heh," I began to speak as I removed my shades while the third eye and the wings ony back began to disappear, "I hate it when I look ugly."

The Two Griffins stopped screaming as they probably sensed that somethinging was off with me.

I raised my palm towards the Griffins and a spiral black Magic bullet started to form. 


I shot Dark Magic Bullet at the two winged lions.