

The Griffins were able to dodge the Black Magic Bullet at the last minute, making it create a huge explosion as it hit the walls of Cave leaving a deep hole.

Dust rose in the air rendering my vision, but I could perfectly sense the two Griffins shooting Ice arrows at me.

Swook~! Crack~!

I started shooting large spears from my Shadow body which shattered the Ice Arrows into a Million pieces

Pierce~! —"Keweeee!"

One of The Griffins was unable to dodge, making one of the Shadow spears piercing its front legs, resulting in it in making a loud scream.

Swook~! Pierce~!

I threw the Warbringer dagger which was infused with little Dark Element, which moved at the speed of lighting piercing its other free leg


The Griffin screamed in agony as i tried to shake of the Warbringer dagger, that was now absorbing its blood.

The other Griffin kept its distance as it watched the pain of its family member.

[Shadow Element: Shadow Switch]

I teleported towards the screaming Griffin and looked in straight in its big eye.

"Sleep until I make your soul one of my own."


The Griffin slowly closed its eyes as it fell to the cold ground without any sort of resistance.



The remaining Griffins screamed with rage as a tear broke down from its eyes, while countless thunderbolts rush towards me.I made a large black Magic circle that covered the half of the cave, before black smoke started to sip out of it.

[Dark Corrosion]

The Thunderbolts vanished as black smoke covered the whole cave, rendering both my sight and the Griffins.

I could sense the beast trying to push away the smoke with Wind Magic, but it was a wasted attempt.

I didn't do anything as if I did I would be just wasting my mana.

The Griffin kept on making spells which made the black smoke even more thicker. I

started taking calm steps towards the position the Griffin stood.

Before I could reach the beast it stopped firing attacks, as it must have figured out how the spell works.



I shot a barrage of spears from my shadow body, which the Griffin narrowly evaded as it darted towards me, unleashing a mighty strike towards my neck.


I ducked down before plunging the Warbringer dagger into the monster's flesh,clicking my tongue in frustration before removing the dagger.

I am not planning to kill the griffin, it must have figured that out from my previous actions.



A loud scream escaped the monster's beak as it wrapped its whole body in lighting, before dashing towards my direction.


I jumped a few inches back making the Griffin hit the ground, creating a huge explosion on the ground.

The Griffin didn't stop as it started swung its deadly claws towards my direction.


I reacted quickly by swinging my dagger towards the beast creating a series of

metallic sound and sparks illuminating the whole cave

For a few minutes it was a just a dance of me blocking the Griffins lighting attacks as it seemed like it totally forgot about its own safeguard.

But slowly, the Griffin's movements started slowing down and it took in largeamounts of air.

Unfortunately for the beast, I had something planned for this moment.

A pink Magic Circle (a square inside a circle) started spreading from my feet covering half of the cave.

The Griffin's attacks stopped as its where wide open like it was awake, but in reality it was far from being awake.


Repeated Dream→

A Pink Element spell that is created by a two layer Magic circle, that creates a never ending illusion of the same situation before the spell was cast happening over again.


"Well look at that," I smiled as I turned my head towards the Griffin that had broke out of the Shadow Chains when I used [Dark Corrosion].


The Griffin flipped its eagle wings and a huge blizzard came freezing almost everything in the Cave.

I channeled mana in my body and leaped towards the flying beast.


I released multiple shadow chains from my body which The Griffins dodged by flying around the cave.

"Tsk," I clicked my tongue, as I pulled back my shadow chain, realizing the fact that as I am now I can't use [Dark Corrosion] since it will cancel [Repeated Dream] on the other Griffin.



An intense loud scream escaped the Griffin's mouth as the temperature fell even further while it shot 5 ice arrows towards my direction.


A channeled shadow Mana inside the Warbringer before throwing it towards the

incoming attack.



As soon as the dagger passed through the ice arrows I used [Shadow Switch] to teleport to where the dagger was before shooting five Dark Magic Arrows at the



The Griffin screamed in agony as one of the Dark Magic bullets managed to pierce through one of its lion legs.

My vision changed and I couldn't tell how I got into this place.

My mind felt lost.

I was at beach surrounded by children of ages facing their backs at me. None of them seemed to notice me and just kept on staring at the endless sea.

Snow started falling, but the sky was clear with a sun that never produced any heat.

It was beyond weird.

"Why snow?" I muttered to myself making the kids turn around their hands at me.

"....," I couldn't say a single word out of my mouth as the people I thought were kids something else.

There all looked like there were in their late seventies but they had the body figures of kids.

"Who are you!?"

"Who are you!?"

All of them started asking me the same question over and over again. It was sickening.

"Ahh," A light groan escaped my lips, as I blocked my eyes so that I couldn't hear the old looking children.

Tap, tap, tap-!

All the old looking children started walking towards me making dust rise to sky, clouding my vision.


I screamed at the top of my lungs as the little old man started taking a bite of my flesh.

It was like thousands of insects were chewing my flesh, I couldn't even gather the strength to resist.

But no matter how much they took a bite they never finished eating my flesh.

Like I was in another place than them.

But why can I feel the pain.

"How did I get here?" I asked no one in particular as my super boring memory

started showing me something I had just forgot.This is part of a horror movie I watched this morning.

I am in one my Schizophrenia phases. It happens every time I lose focus.

"Ahhh!" A loud groan escaped my lips as I was pushed back a few yards like I was hit by lighting.


Yes. I am fighting a Griffin.

My vision returned back to the cave and the Griffin was charging towards me with intent to kill me.

I clicked my tongue a channeled mana towards my dagger until a purple glow in circled it.

"Thank you," I said to the Griffin before I leaped towards into as thousands as clones of me joined in the chase.


The beast screamed as thunderbolts started to cover the whole cave destroying same of my clones.

We reached the Griffin and we all send thrust towards the Griffin making sure we avoid it heart, which is in between the lion and eagle part of it body.

[Lost Heaven Dagger Style: 2 Movements Of A Fallen Gods.]

[1/2 Moves — Double Illusion]


The Griffin screamed, cancelling all of my illusionary clones, leaving only me on its back.


The Griffin fell to the ground as the Warbringer dagger was absorbing its blood at an alarming rate.

"I should see a Doctor," I said as I removed the dagger from the winged beast,

"Let's start with this one first."

I deactivated 20 Simulation Arts and my shadow started going back to its place. It was not at all painful.

"Handsome again," I smiled, before I jumped a feel inches back and made hand signs.

"[Shadow sealing Hands]"


A rattling sound echoed in the air as the hands on my shadow started to extend

towards the griffin's head.

A green Griffin soul was pulled out and was stored in the Warbringer Dagger.


There was no change in the Warbringer's soul, like it needed a few more to finally heal.

I moved towards the other Griffins and took their souls without as much as a


It's a good thing I brought my SUV or I would be given weird stares if I took the subway, since my clothes are a mess and I can't use [Shadow Switch] since I am almost out of mana.

Sometimes my memory can be helpful.


Walking out of the cave reaching the warm snow, my heart felt at ease.

To think snow could be this warm, I almost died there.I wonder what my stupid genius are doing?

It's high time I make him my student or he will be really left out.