Family Group Chat

After coming from the Griffin Cave I decided to watch more horror movies.

I know they are making my schizophrenia act up, but I just can't resist. I mean, I need inspiration for my illusions.

Anyway, I can't sleep now and all the things I saw during the day time is coming to me.

This Memory of mine, is even making it so vivid like I was a character in those movies.

Every time I close my eyes I see seven dudes with chainsaw's coming for me and they are all ugly like hell.

Or I see a hot flight attendant with a sexy body, signaling me to come to the bathroom and... Ohhh!

Wrong movie...


Lying on my bed, I couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan after receiving a very disturbing image on my smart watch.



«Dean {Fifth Republic} Evester was added»

[A.I Brother is typing...

[Crazy Sister: Yoo! Big brother Dean, we just cleared the 37th and 38th floor it was crazy...

[Crazy Sister: I killed a Chinese Dragon, I was like bam, kawawa, slash, slash (fire emoji)]


Damn this sleep phobia, I have been avoiding my siblings, ever since I got into this world.

It's not like I am afraid of them, it just I might have had a zabillion of siblings in my past life but none of them ever cared about me.

In a matter of fact, I killed a handful of them.

How can I forget about this Worlds different Time zones. In the Aurel Empire everyone had day and night at the same time.

Denzel and Dione are Guild and Vice Guild Leader of Dawn Star Guild, which is the third strongest Guild according to the Yearly Guild Billboards Report released by the Hero Union (HU).

Dawn Star Guild is located in Phoenix City and it is the only City that can rival Dragon City in terms of Development.

It must be around 1000hrs in Phoenix City at this moment and that's why Dione is so energetic.

Nah, she is always like that since she was a baby.

She always liked to get into fights and when she couldn't handle the situation she would always call me to handle the problem.

That's what happened with Stewart, he had been telling her that he like her and she kept on turning him down.

She told me to handle the problem and I did the best why I could think off.

We did get a lot of scolding from our Mother, resulting in us being grounded for a whole week.

Well that what could have happened if the family A.I hadn't saved us.

By A.I I mean my twin brother Denzel. He is so perfect like he is machine, well he does talk like one.

"Huu," letting out an annoyed sigh, I tapped on the smart watch and black holographic keyboard appeared.



«Fifth Republic has entered the chat»

[A.I Brother is typing....]

[Crazy sister: Big brother Dean which bimbo is keeping you this late at night.]

[Crazy sister: Which trick did you use this time?]

[Crazy sister: Is it the one where you say you are a reincarnater from another world and where sent here to save the world?]

Crazy sister: Answer me you (middle finger emoji) before I hit you in the nuts!]


Don't be surprised but my sister has kicked my family jewels plenty of times! If I can't have babies in the future, it's all her fault!

All the pain from all her kicks are coming back.

Why does this shity memory always does that!

Damn it, all my kids which had potential to be someone great where murdered by that Crazy Sister of mine!

Speaking of my Crazy Sister, she is talking about the lines I used to get girls, before I got into this body.

Dean would walk up to a girl and lie about the fact that the World was ending in a week and he was sent by the Goddess of Purity to save the world.

I don't know why the Girls he met fell for something so stupid.

Maybe it's because I am a reincanater that it sounds stupid, or the fact that The Goddess of Purity was my mortal enemy.

"Haa," Releasing a deep breathe. I started typing on the holographic keyboard.


[Fifth Republic: (middle finger emoji) × 4, How many times do I have to tell you that they are not bimbos, there are people.]

[Crazy Sister: (middle finger emoji) × 4, Whatever just what trick did you use.]

[Fifth Republic: Sigh, I used The Dean Evester is a game Villain.]

[Crazy Sister: Don't Sigh on the chat you! Crazy moron. Tell me more about The Dean Evester is a game Villain.]

[Fifth Republic: Dean Evester was a game character who died after being chased by the religious factions and got switched at Death with another Dean Evester. He now lives as the other Dean and he likes to keep it that way forever. Call it selfish but this is the only great thing that happened to him.]


I felt something lift of from my heart after typing those words.

Maybe I just wanted to tell someone about myself



[Crazy Sister: Oh, I like this Dean I wish he could stay forever. (heart emoji).]


"Really," I could feel water forming in my eyes.

My sweat Sister I love you so much.



[Crazy Sister: (laughing emoji) Do you think that will work, stop being crazy bro. Kukuu

kukuu , (laughing emoji).]


Bring me back my tears! How can you call my story crazy!


[Fifth Republic: You know what!? Think whatever you want but that's the truth! Dean Evester is never going to the same again! He is now a new man and has never been with a woman for the past 18 days!

[Crazy Sister: I see now, lack of s@x is making you crazy.]

[Fifth Republic: Shut up! I am never going out with a woman unless it's a committed relationship.]

[Crazy Sister: Who are you? My brother would never say such a thing?]

[Fifth Republic: I am Dean Evester, what else could I be.]

[Crazy Sister: A Game character in my brother's body.]


You believe me now!


[Fifth Republic: Spot on sis.]

[Crazy Sister: Okay I believe you (smiling emoji)]

[Fifth Republic: So you are not mad that I am in your brother's body.]

[Crazy Sister: Even if you change you are still my brother Right?]

[Fifth Republic: Yes. I am still you big brother.]

[Crazy Sister: Then I am cool with it. I can finally introduce you to my girlfriends.]

[Fifth Republic: You have friends¿]


This is shocking Dione has been a lone Wolf, in my memories.

To think our bright navy blue haired girl has friends.

She has grown.


[A.I Brother: Not only does she have friends, she also has a wife and a one year old baby boy.]

[Crazy Sister: Hey, Denzel I told you not to tell him that.]

[A.I Brother: You know I am bad at this and one way or the other you would have told him that you have a child with Rachael Canavan.]

[Crazy Sister: If so when where you going to tell him you are getting married to Sun Yao in the next 30 days and that he is not going to be your best man.]


"...." My mind went blank. I can't even begin to process what I just head.

I kept on staring at my smart watch as the two chat.



[A.I Brother: That's what I was typing all along.]

[Crazy Sister: Is that so?

[A.I Brother: Yes. I don't lie like someone else.

[Crazy Sister: Oh, oh, oh I don't lie, stop making yourself look perfect in everything.]

[A.I Brother: We are not having this fight Dione?]

[Crazy sister: Fuck you! Make me stop Mister Always Right.]

[A.I Brother: Lets go to a gate and finish this.]

[Crazy Sister: I already have grabbed my Twin Swords.]

[A.I Brother: Too slow I already have my Katana at the Gate Entrance.]

«Crazy Sister and A.I Brother have left the chat»

*Thirty minutes later*

[Fifth Republic: I can use Magic now. Don't talk to me for a while.]

«Dean {Fifth Republic} Evester has exited the chat room.


I turned off my Smart Watch and stared at the nice ceiling.

I can't believe My Sister is Lesbian, I don't really mind that as I had guessed that.

The most shocking thing is that she has a baby boy and I only got to know about this now.

Denzel getting married to My boss was something I saw coming.

What makes me angry is the way they thought they could walk out of this without an explanation.

Pretending to fight, like they are feeling bad.

What a stupid move, anyone can tell that was staged.

"I will ask Flynn about being my disciple tomorrow. Nah, let's leave the guy alone."

I got into my blankets and before I knew it I was already sleeping.