Cass Queenston¹

Cass Queenston.

The name of my Ex-fiance but I prefer to rather call it ex-wife who dumped me a few minutes before our wedding and ended up being the sixth wife of my big brother Luke.

Some may ask, "How did I end up with such a woman?" The answer is simple as day.

Because she saved my life.

It all started when I was 17 when I enrolled at The Knight Academy, after being kicked out of The Magic Academy which I had been attending for two years.

The Magic Academy kicked me out because I had a very rare sickness, well to others it might look like a blessing.

I had too much mana in my body. "What's wrong with that?" Too much mana means I can't make a mana heart because the mana will overload and lead to Mana Reflux.

Anyway back to the story, after enrolling at the Knight Academy I was the only frail looking person there and I don't need to add that I was every bullies punching bag.