Cass Queenston²

[Cu Chulainn – Irish Mythology hero who is considered unrivaled in battle. He appears mostly in ULSTER CYCLE that tells that he was born magically when his mother Duchitire drank water with a worm in it.]

[Tupan (also known as Tupave/ Tonondete) – He is considered the creator of both good and evil in Guarani mythology.]

[Ninigi (Ninigi-no-Mikoto) – Son of the Japanese God Amaterasu, who fought against Kami who had taken over Japanese Islands.]

(Note: Only their weapons will appear.


Currently, in a floor somewhere in the Tower.

Tap... tap

A young woman, ornamented with long crystal silver hair that almost reached her feet, fine snow white pale skin and sanguine red eyes, placidly walked in a swarm of humanoid creatures.

She wore a dashing sun dress made from the finest and softest silk, as if she was preparing to go on a party.