Denzel Evester is alive!

"This one looks great."

A seventeen year old boy muttered to himself, as he looked into the mirror. An image of an average looking boy with short straight red hair reflected on the mirror's surface.

"Your day is just starting Vampire?"

Flynn has gotten used to his Master's way of talking that he called himself an undead monster, which made sense since he only moved at night.

But today it was different, it was 1612hrs, as the sun had just moved from its peak a little and it would set at near 1900hrs.

Walking out of his roam with his red jacket, Flynn maintained a straight face, as he racked his brains on how to get that kiss.

'Was Dean on drugs or something. How can he ask a me to get a kiss on the first date.'

[I can help]

A male deep voice entered his mind, as its words where reflected on the new system and Flynn couldn't help but get curious, as he thought,

'How can you do that?'

[How you doing? LOL.]