Denzel Vs Armson


A legend in the arts of charming woman. A man who never gets turned down by a girl no matter what. The type of man you will shot in the head if he is with your girlfriend.

A man who can only be described as a goat.

When I say goat, I mean a lecherous man.

Dean's goal was to be the Greatest Goat of all time.

The G-Goat.

And in all the 25 years he lived he managed to get it off with 234 women and if I add mine we make a perfect 300.

Some may say I am a legend, but to me I am just a piece of trash.


Because there was no happiness in all that time. It was a way to try to cure depression, but no matter what we did we kept on getting depressed.

One was the only person who didn't get a system in the whole World.

The other was the last member of the Villian Clan, who was hunted his whole life and ended up taking his father's name out of fear of being killed.

Lonely, sad, scared and mentally ill