Glory to money!

"Khuaa! Huaah! Haa... Ha.."

Denzel coughed up a mountain of blood, as his body condition was getting worse by the minute.

His light element was clashing with the small particles of Dark Mana, making his body another battlefield.

He couldn't use most all of his skills, as that will just make his condition worse and may lead to him being completely crippled.

Looking at the poor state of his opponent, Godfrey couldn't help but smile under his gas mask, at how his plan worked, as he advanced towards his leader.

"You managed to beat him Boss."

Godfrey's words made Armson dance in joy, as he glared at the almost fallen hero.

"Finding it hard to breathe Denzel?"

Armson had a smirk under his gas mask, as he knew that the young hero together with his guild mates couldn't hear him.