I Died Again!

[Shadow Switch]

Instead of teleporting to my bedroom, I landed on a place where everything was clear white and sounds of bagpipes rang in the back ground.


Oh my goodness.

Am I meeting that Devil again?

With a sudden gust of wind, a woman lands in front of me while she floated on to the ground, her face being obscured from my sight by a peculiarly brilliant light.

Damn, what kind of schizophrenia moment am I in now?

I don't even read Wuxia and fantasy novels!


To my surprise, some of my senses were cut, I couldn't even feel the Dark Mana in my body.

At was as if time stopped moving, the mysterious woman slowly descends to the ground in silence.

It was more calm and refined than any time I have seen people land on the ground, like god herself had landed on the ground.

I quickly looked at myself and found out that I was naked just like the time I got to a place like this.