The Two¹

At the bottom half of the world:

After taking over the Pluto continent, Saleos had ordered Samson Volkova to send letters to invite all the leaders of the Dark Guilds and Gangs to be his followers or they go to war with Saleos Boltzmann.

And now Saleos was sitting on a golden chair, in his extra large office, that was similar to the ones kings sat on.

He went through each letter he received from the members of the Chaos Union.

[Yakuza Gang – How much are you willing to offer for our services.]

[Black Dove – Bring it on fucker (middle finger)]

[Savage Gang – We do what we want and we don't do what you want.]

[Red Rabbit Dark Guild – Get your head checked fucker.]

[Smile Dark Guild – Our motto is always smile and you don't make us smile. So we won't.]

"Fools. The only reasonable among them is Sousuke (Yakuza Leader)."