My big mouth


I walked out of Eileen's cottage and the sight outside was just how I left it like.

"I clearly told them not to get too drunk."

Some of them had even passed out and some male knights were flirting with the female knights.

I wanted to say that no relationships at work but I realized that I would be the first to break that rule, my love life is all focused on having affairs with my workmates.

"I can at least let them have fun."

Those guys had worked hard they deserve a little fun once in a while.

I moved towards the three knights who looked like they were standing guard when everyone else was drinking.

One of them quickly notices me.

"Lord Dante what are you doing here?"

The other two bowed down in my direction.

"Lord Dante shouldn't you be parting with the others?"

I can't get drunk so parting with just men alone is not my cup of tea.

I smiled at three and patted their backs.