My puppets

"What did you say about my mother!?"

Chris' roar was loud enough to make everyone on the battle field halt their movements as silent engulfed the who area, leaving me just blinking my pretty eyes while I look at the Knight Leader who had turned coral red from rage.

"I didn't say anything."

Chris became more enraged after my snort that the amount of Aura leaking from his body increased by a wide margin.

"You! You! You said that my mother is fat!"

"You are the one who said that."


"Huhuhu! Hahaha!"

"Do you think I am a joke to you!?"

I stayed silent and let cold air pass in between us and the other knights started fighting the Demons, making Chris smirk.

"You are dead potato head."

"Huhuhu! Hahaha!"

We charged at each other with killing intent visible in our eyes.


The moment my dagger met his long sword, I opened my god like lips.

"You carry a small man down there."