Finishing off a puppet

"For how long are they going to keep on fighting?"

I muttered as the two guys in front of me have been fighting for another hour since I got here and now seems to be a good time to stop them.

Clap, clap, clap–!


The two ignored the sound from my hands and clashed weapons like wild beast. The second prince is strong, he has been fighting someone who can heal herself during battle yet he is still going.

I halted my steps as it looked like a winner was going to be decided soon, serious it was like watching a cricket match between amateur teams.

"Hahaha! You are finished Demon!"

At Rick's command he leaped towards Rachelle with his bastard sword covered in Aura.

"You honestly think a muscle head like you can kill me!"

Rachelle's short spear was covered with Anergy Mana as she rushed towards the second prince trying to throw a horizontal swing.

Clang–! Sparks flew in the air.