
"Boyle take my hand."

The moment my words faded, Boyle was already cuddling with me and I just sighed as his playfulness my get us killed.

"Shadow Switch."

We teleported right next to Saleos who was surrounded by weird humanoid creatures I never saw before. No, calling them humanoid would be an insult to the other humanoid creatures. There were monsters.

"Just what are those things?"

My mutter was replied by a growling sound from the terrifying creatures.

The creatures were umbrella shaped, with the handle being a scaled green leg and the top was made out of straw with a tongue that protruded from its mouth, not forgetting its creepy one eye. It had two hands with a total of six finger

No wonder why no one cleared this area, these things are way too ugly.

"There are umbrella-yokai's."

I turned to Saleos who seemed to know our adversaries very well, with a deadbeat expression.