Umbrella-Yokai 2


I groaned after receiving a punch in my gut from the now 16 feet tall Umbrella-yokais. It is not only their mobility that has gone up after eating each other, they have also became smart.

They started using their claws on their hands which ripped off my precious jacket and they also started eating each other whilst there are still alive – creepy.

Pulling myself from the ground like the Undertaker, I started making my eight daggers circle around my body as a defense measure.

Out of the three humans I came with, I am the only one in the better condition since the two idiots are now facing one 60 feet tall, fast Umbrella-yokai.

"There is always a reward for the calm minded."

I smiled and took the Warbringer dagger which, I hadn't used in years. It's red-shine spiked blade reflected the moonlight and the black handle was just perfected its heavenly shape.