Umbrella-Yokai 3

Trimming the Umbrella-yokai's straw fur and it started wiggling around like a worm - maybe it was doing a yokai dance. It kept its balance and its tongue started coming towards the back.

I had pulled a lot of its straws, leaving a part of it bare which I pierced with my Warbringer, before jumping to the ground, but the yokai was trying to kick me before I landed.

"I need to finish this guy or Boyle will get more injured. [Weightless] [Flight]."

I flew towards the Umbrella-yokai's eye at god-speed an threw a kung-fu panda kick to its eye, but to my expectation it was even harder than its back. Lucky for the Yokai I wasn't going to give up that easily.

I pressed soul power that costed three souls and finally a good reaction. It was like cutting margarine with a hot knife - extremely easy.


A loud explosion happened to the Yokai's eye and I jumped to the ground leaving it to release its scream.
