What The Hell Is This Family? 2

He is joking, right? There is no way, he could say such a thing. Just look at his wife, she so pretty and innocent. Any man could die, to be with her.

Kevin took a look at Cass who was still oblivious about the whole situation, and he could agree with no doubt in his mind that she was hot, which gave him the reason to call the bastard again.

'He really is a motherfucker.'

– "Hello, you done, already?"

"...." Kevin closed his mouth up and down, this fucker didn't really care about his wife at all, "Hey, we got eleven man here! Do you even know, what they will do to your wife!? We might as well ra–!"

– "I wasn't talking to you director."


Dean ignored Kevin, and talked to his intended target, "Hie, babe. ♪I am never gonna give you up, I not gonna tell a lie, and... hurt you♪"

Kevin and his group were shocked by this development in the relationship, but Cass just grounded her teeth, she could already picture Dean's evil smile.