What The Hell Is This Family? 3

– "Dean.'


– "I love you."


The smile on my face faded, and was replaced with a deep frown, "@#?&! &*@#!?!"

"Dad! Dad! You can't speak such offensive worlds in front of your child!"

Boyle's small tantrum made me calm down a little, but just imaging that woman joyously laughing is pissing me of, but there was nothing I could do about it, that she turned off her cell.

"Sorry, I won't say such things about your mom in front of you." But I will in her face!

Boyle clung on to my arm, with a smile, "Good, now buy me an ice-cream!"

"Dude, you are 27 (37), buy yourself one."

"Ah." The little guy just put on a pleading face that made it hard to say no too.

"Fine, I will buy you one."


I wonder what his original parents were like? The only thing I know about them is what was on paper, I didn't even see their pictures.