Guild Masters

"I just wanna say, I don't really care about you." I stated, as we sat on two of the empty seats together with Boyle, "If there is a need to kill you, I will. Let's get that straight."


The guild leaders just sweated in their seats, they still can't feel their internal energy, so they just behaved themselves, as well educated Australians.

"Sorry, we got off on a wrong setting." I bowed my head a little bit, "Like what I said before, we are your new bosses, and the Prime Minister is your god, meaning no one disobeys. If you have questions raise your hand, so I can kill you, and you can ask them, Anubis in hell. Anyone?"


The guild leaders just sweated in their seats, like they ate something wrong for lunch. Maybe they did, I don't know.

[Who is stupid enough to raise their hands, to get killed?]

Are this guys siblings, to all have the same thought, at the same time? They are all good looking, so they might be the case.