
Soon night fell in Logeutown,Ren slept peacefully in the hotel room, not knowing what was happening on the other side of the city.





Inside the weapons shop, unlike before where it was originally empty of any customers, the shop was now filled with many people, absolutely,they was a marines.

"So you're saying that the thief was wearing a black mask? Wasn't there anything special you noticed about him before you fainted?" Smoker asked the old owner as he quietly smoked a cigarette.

the owner, who woke up a while ago and found that the most important thing for hem except his wife,had been stolen, which wasn't even for sale!It was his family heirloom! How could he sell it?!But now...it's gone,no, it's been stolen!

He didn't even know how this thief knew he had Yubashiri!

How?! He didn't tell anyone except his wife! This shouldn't have happened!

Damn thief!

He suppressed his frustration and anger, then answered with a stutter: "N-No, I didn't even see him well! When he entered,I was looking at him from afar, but soon I found him in front of me in a second! Before I could do anything,I had already...

Smoker looked at the old man, whose eyes were red from crying over his misfortune, then sighed. Based on this old man's information, the thief was targeting the legendary sword .

Smoker wasn't a swordsman but he still knew some information about legendary and cursed swords, but he had summoned someone who knew more than him in this regard, his assistant Tashigi.

Looking at Tashigi in front of him who had lost her cheerful and happy expression, he sighed in his heart.

"Another powerful sword falling into the hands of evils...unbelievable!"from her tone it was clear how depressed she was over this incident.

As someone whose dream was to collect all the legendary weapons and protect them from falling into the hands of the "wrong" people, she couldn't help but feel sad when such a theft occurred.

Smoker turned to the Marine in front of him and asked him while keeping the cigarette in his mouth, "Haven't you found any trace of him yet?"

The Marine who Smoker talked to hem was nervous, but he quickly replied, "H-that...no sir, we have searched every inch of the city in the past few hours and we didn't find the thief yet..."

"Keep looking for any clues,and if you suspect anyone, just let me know." Smoker wasn't angry, he knew that the chances of catching the thief now were low but he still didn't give up.

Based on the notes of the citizens who were present at the time, in addition to the notes of the owner and his wife, smoker knew that this thief must have some strength,otherwise he wouldn'f have the courage and power to carry out this robbery in broad daylight

Smoker thought in his mind and tried to remember any suspicious person he had met on this day.Characters began to pass through his mind, one to the other, and then quickly stopped on a man with dark blue hair.

"He said his name was...Ren?" Smoker muttered and frowned.

When he remembered Ren being offered to become a Marine but rejected, his doubts quickly deepened.

Smoker spoke to the Marine again and gave him Ren's specifications.

{His name is Ren.a Blue dark haiy blue his features are symmetrical.He can stand out among people,so it will be relatively easier to pursue him.He works as a bounty hunter according to his claim, and he is also an armed person. Don't engage with him if it isn't necessary. Just tell Commander Smoker.}

The Marine finished writing the suspect's description and then ordered it to be distributed to the other officers so they could give orders to their subordinates.

"S-smoker-san? Is there something wrong with Mr.Ren?"

Tashigi, who was in a sad and angry state, said to Smoker , tension in her tone, she didn't know why her boss was suspicious of Mr.Ren.

In Tashigi's opinion, even though she had only known Ren for a short time, he was a kind person...and handsome...even though he refused to become a marine and had another concept of justice in his heart,he wasnt a bad man!

Smoker looked at the girl and sighed.he knew that the problem with Tashigi was that she was emotional and easily affected by people.

He didn't bother to explain his thoughts to her and merely said that it was "just a precautionary measure" in case he was related to this incident.





Midnight quickly arrives in logeutown while the Marines are still tirelessly scouring the city in search of the thief, and at a certain hotel, a handsome man suddenly opens his eyes.

He looked at the clock hanging on the wall and saw that it was 12:00 at night.

He yawned a little, then stretched his limbs as he got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to clean himself.

He quickly showered, dressed in black, and put his loaded gun into his jacket pocket.

As for the bullets, he was in a hurry so he forgot to take a lot of them from the old owner's shop.He only had 70 bullets and most of them were in the system's 'infinity space'.

He opened the window to let fresh air into the room as he stared at the empty streets at night.

But what caught his attention were the marines who passed by from time to time, looking as if they were searching for something or someone.

"Have they already begun to revitalize the city? With Smoker's intelligence,he should be a little suspicious of me. I, who introduced myself as a Bounty Hunter who came from nothing, who rejected his invitation to the Marines and has already developed a bad impression of me, and on the same day something happens like... Stealing a high-grade sword, it would make it look like I came to this city specifically for this sword. In short, I have no doubt that Smoker is starting to doubt me."

Ren, of course, was the person in the hotel room. He calmly analyzed his situation and tried to put himself in the same situation as Smoker and simulate his circumstances and his situation as a Marine. Knowing smoker's personality in the manga, it wasn't difficult for him to know what was on Smoker's mind.

"But...all of this is Useless."

Ren laughed lightly and found that any attempt by Smoker to frame him would be futile, even if he found out that he was the one who did this...he would already be gone.

Yes, Ren has decided to leave logeutown tonight!





In the logeutown's port, this place was still active even though it was midnight.

Merchant ships were docking while goods were being quickly transported in preparation for sailing, while on the other side cruise ships were receiving heavy passengers.

The Marines were more numerous than usual, scouring the entire area looking for any man described by their commander, Smoker.

And among all this much movement, there were some pirate ships, and what was strange was that the pirates on board were behaving very calmly. All of this was out of fear of the marines,especially Smoker.The pirates, who knew Smoker's reputation and power, didn't dare to do anything outside the law.

"Guys! Have your loaded all the goods and supplies? We must sail now and head towards the grand Line! Hurry!"The captain of one of the pirate ships Said excitedly and was imagining himself, the king of the seas, sitting on a golden throne with many beautiful women serving him.It was like he were in heaven.

"Yes sir! We are ready to sail now."

"Hahahaha, Boss! We will conquer the seas!"

"Hurry,men! My sword thirsts for blood!"


"My name will be known in all the seas!everyone will fear me! I'm the new Whitebeard!





Seeing his followers as enthusiastic about sailing as he was, the navigator quickly ordered his ship to sail.The navigator responded quickly and ordered the sails to be spread and the anchor to be raised.

Then, between all this and that, and the loud laughter of the pirates, the ship began to move away from the port little by little.

Inside the ship. In the supply warehouse.

A strong hand came out of the large wooden box that was supposed to be filled with food, then another hand came out from the other side, and the box couldn't bear the pressure until it broke into many wooden pieces.

The noisy drunken pirates on deck didn't notice such a strange incident, they were happily celebrating.