
Ren,who get out of the wooden box,looked around curiously.He quickly smiled when he saw several barrels and boxes filled with food. It reminded him of the first scene of the "hero" of this world,Monkey D. Luffy.

When Luffy get out of a box found in the sea and surprised the members of Alvida Pirates, then he met Coby,etc...

Returning to the story,Ren previously remembered what happened when he walked out of the hotel.

10 minute ago.

Ren quietly jumped out from the window of the room, then crept into the pitch darkness towards the dark streets under the eyes of the marines who couldn't see anything due to the natural curtain of darkness.

When he arrived at the port,he saw several pirate ships and decided to board one of them to get out of logeutown.

Then he determined his goal,moved to the goods box in a hurry, and began emptying it of food to fit inside.

"Who are you, bastard?!" He was soon interrupted by an angry voice.

Realizing that he had been discovered, he looked in the direction of the sound to find a fat pirate holding a bottle of wine looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"He's alone... everything is fine." Ren had already reached the pirate when he said this, covering his mouth with his left hand and choking him with his right.

The darkness helped him carry out his assassination perfectly.The pirate was unable to scream because of Ren's strong hand that did not refuse to budge from its place.

"Umghh..Ahhh...Aghh!!"A weak sound came out of the pirate's mouth, his body began to gradually calm down due to the lack of oxygen.

After a few minutes, the pirate's movement stopped completely.After Ren was certain that he was dead, he carried his fat body and the food he had taken out of the box and quickly left the dock, heading towards a place closer to the sea.

Ren reached his destination and then quickly threw the pirate's body, which was drowned by the waves, at the bottom of the sea.

Then he did the same thing with the food

He quickly returned to the box,entered it, and then covered it.

"I have to learn Observation Haki as soon as possible..." Ren was thinking as he waited for someone to come take the box to the ship.

The previous situation had made him feel an urgency to learn Observation Haki. He didn't even feel the pirate coming until he heard his voice.If one of them had been decisive and not drunk, he would have shot directly at him, even though he might have been able to dodge the bullets, it still dangerous.

After another five minutes of waiting, two new pirates came.

"Damn, where did that stupid Karenbo go?"

"Could he have gone to pee and forget how to go back to the ship's place ?"

"Maybe he fell asleep somewhere around here."


"Hahaha! We can expect anything from that fat idiot!"

While making jokes to their friend who was already dead, they carried the wooden box and returned to the ship.





Right now, inside the food warehouse.

"It seems that this crew is heading to the Grand Line. I have to start quickly before they get further away from my destination."

Ren quietly opened the door to the food warehouse and then started walking towards the deck. There was no one in the ship's corridor and it seemed that everyone was celebrating on the deck.

Ren reached the roof quickly and then without warning, he shouted inwardly:

"Tempest kick!"

He kicked his leg hard and immediately a blue blade-like energy appeared that was almost two meters long.The sharp blade struck the two unlucky pirates and then deep wounds quickly appeared on their bodies.

They didn't even have time to scream before their consciousness faded and their corpses fell to the ground, soaked in their own blood, with a look of surprise and unwillingness to die, clinging to life.

"You bastard!!"

"This bastard,Where did he come from?!"

"Damn! He killed them! men!kill him and tear him apart!"

The pirates all shouted at Ren with anger and hatred, and after they heard their leader's orders, they drew their swords and rifles and directed them at Ren.

"Shoot!" One of the pirates shouted and then fired his gun.

But before he could pull the trigger, he saw the bastard disappear in front of him and appear behind a large wooden barrel.



*Bam! Bam!*

*Bam! Bam!*

The pirates fired a barrage of fire at Ren, who took cover behind the wooden barrel.Several bullets landed on the barrel and penetrated the wood, but stopped before they reached his body.When the sound of gunfire ended, the pirates with swords were already running towards him with a look of hatred.

Ren didn't delay in turn and quickly kicked his foot several times, forming several sharp blades approximately two meters long.




Three energy blades pierced the pirates' bodies, leaving behind severed limbs and fallen bodies. Most of the attackers died, while the survivors were left without one or more limbs.

However, the pirates didn't stop attacking, when Ren saw that another volley of gunfire was coming.

He quickly ran towards a wooden box that was placed on the wooden floor, lifted it with one hand and kicked it towards one of the pirates.







Before the wooden box reached the pirate, several bullets rained down on it from every place and it was destroyed.

"Stop running,you motherfucker!"The leader of this pirate group shouted as he held a pistol in his hand and a sword in his left hand.

He was angry at this person who appeared out of nowhere and started killing his crew for no reason.He even killed dozens of them, these people he had been tired of recruiting! But he kille them like vegetables!

Ren didn't care about the pirate captain's nonsense and quickly sent another wave of tempest Kick at the pirates who rushed towards him.

"Ahh!! My hand!"


"Save me!"

The screams and howls of the pirates who were cut off by the tempest's kick made the leader reach the height of his anger!

He swore that he would make this bastard responsible for this regret having been born into this world!

Looking at his crew who were being cut off, he looked away from Ren for a few seconds, and when he returned to see where he was, he didn't find him.

"Huh? Where is he?..."The pirate captain looked confused when he didn't find Ren anywhere in his line of sight, as this night was disturbing for him and he couldn't see clearly.

"Do you looking for me?"A voice came behind the pirate captain. It was a gentle voice and carried the tone that he was talking to his best friend, but to the captain'sear, it was like the voice of the Angel of Death who had arrived to claim his soul.

His heart began to beat rapidly and the sound of its pulse became as loud as the beating of drums, at least in his ears. He felt a shiver run down his back and spread from his spine to the rest of his body.

Things became worse when he felt the muzzle of a weapon in the back of his head. He knew that the enemy could now kill him at any moment, but for some reason he didn't.

Ren, who had already taken his gun out of his pocket and pointed it at the pirate frozen in fear in front of him, began speaking in a loud voice that all the pirates on the ship could hear.

"Drop your weapon, raise your hands high, and then order your followers to do the same."

He grabbed the pirate by the neck with his left hand and held him firmly, while his right hand held the gun aimed at the head of the captain of this ship.

The surrounding area quickly became very quiet.The pirates began to watch the scene in front of him with fear and astonishment. The unmoving bodies of their comrades were cut up and thrown on the deck of the ship.The stench began to spread in the air and enter the pirates' breaths, making them want to vomit.

Even if they were pirates who were accustomed to killing, plundering, and raping, this smell was still disgusting.

"come on...tell them to do what I told you, or do you not value your life?"Ren's patience began to run out, and he quickly broke the silence and said to the pirate captain while holding the gun close to his face.

One pull of the trigger and his head will be blown off.

"D-do what he wants!!Throw away your weapons!"The captain shouted at them madly, and when he saw that he was in a life or death situation, he no longer accused his pride and arrogance, and all he wanted was to survive.


"Do we really have to do this? What if he kills us while we are defenseless.."


"But this is an order from the captain."




Confusion spread among the pirates and some began to prepare to comply with their captain's orders and quickly threw away their guns and swords, while others seemed hesitant, and at this moment Ren's words entered their ears again:

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. When you help me in something, I' leave you go.anyway, should know that you cannot kill me and previous battle confirms my words.Just do what i say."

Ren's words were the straw that broke the camel's back and many of the pirates started throwing their weapons one by one, after a short while everyone had complied with the orders and were standing 6 or 7 meters away from Ren who was holding their captain.

So now there are 32 pirates excluding the captain...' Ren thought internally

"Good, with this you will be saved.Who among you here is a navigator?"Ren asked out loud.

After a while, an muscular man quickly came out looking nervous, and Ren quickly comforted him with some words.

"Do you know the way to go to most of the islands near here?"

"Yes sir..."

"So do you know where Cocoyasi Village is?"

"Yes sir...it's a day away if we sail at this ship's maximum speed!"The navigator said nervously, he didn't know why Ren was asking about such a village ruled by the terrifying Fishman Arlong but he answered him.

"That's good.As for you,I need you to do something for me."

Ren looks at the pirates gathered around him, then at their captain who is still trembling in his hands.

"I want you to...die for me!!"


Blowing the head off of the captain who didn't even have time to understand what was happening, he still had the same frightened expression.

At the same time, several sharp blades shot towards the other pirates who were unable to do anything, their weapons were far away from them and they had no way to resist.




"You tricked us!"

"Damn it, run away!"

The surviving pirates started to run away randomly, but Ren was already prepared and started shooting at the escapees, quickly killing them with a single bullet that entered their vital areas.

'I feel like I've been regaining my shooting skills little by little since coming to this world... so I'm not rusty after all.'

[Ding!Host, your personal status has been updated,would you like to see the edits?]

"Not yet, let me deal with things here first."


Ignored the system's notification,He turned to look at the pirate who identified himself as the navigator of this ship.He was kneeling on the ground and muttering strange words. Ren noticed a yellow thing with a foul smell gathering under him.

"This man...did he do it to himself out of fear?"

Ren laughed at this scene and then called the pirate to shout at him.The pirate looked at him in horror and fear.

"Take me to Cocoyasi Village and I will let you alive. If you are useful to me, I will not kill you. I broke my promise to the others because they didn't have anything to do for me,but you are different. If you take me to Cocoyasi Village, I will be grateful to you and will not harm you."

Ren was lying without any change in his expression.

"O-okay sir..."