[35]Prologue To A Hard Battle

"Are you ready, Kaya?"

Ren looked at the blonde girl who looked at him with embarrassment. Kaya was still conjuring up in her mind Ren's muscular body that she had seen before...and that monstrous thing...


Ren pretended to cough after seeing Kaya absent-minded, he knew what she was thinking but he didn't talk about it because it was embarrassing to her.

Kaya shook off unnecessary thoughts and answered Ren's question:"Yes Captain we can go now."

They were at the beach of the island, Nami and Nojiko were also here.

"Nami Didn't you get enough sleep?" Nojiko wondered and looked at her sister who looked tired and her eyes turning red.

"N-no I slept well" Nami answered in stress and embarrassment evident in her voice. She was remembering what she did yesterday and the scene of her sister having sex with Ren and her thoughts...


Bell-Mère looked at all this while inside the ring, of course she also found out that her daughter had sex with Ren.

She didn't mind this and even if she did, she was sure that Nojiko would not pay any attention to her, and their relationship might become strange. As for what she felt when she saw her daughter screaming like a whore...

You should know that Bell-Mère was a virgin until her death so she had no experience in matters relating about men and women.

'If I get a body m-maybe...' Her train of thoughts turned into a strange and perverted path, Bell-Mère shook her 'head' and dispelled these strange and perverted thoughts.

"By the way Captain Ren where is our ship? I don't see anything here." Kaya said surprised.

"She's here." Ren said calmly and then waved his right hand.

A blue beam appeared briefly and then the next moment a ship emerged from space.


Kaya screamed in surprise at Ren's magic show, unlike Nami and Nojiko this was the first time she saw Ren's Infinity Space ability so her reaction was normal.

"No need to be surprised Kaya.You'll see more surprising things in the future"Ren told her.

"Captain Ren...a truly mysterious person."Kaya said in a low voice but Ren heard her, Nojiko and Nami too.

Ren didn't comment on her words and boarded the ship. The girls remained on the beach, then Nami and Nojiko approached Kaya.

"You can See how mysterious and wonderful the captain is? He's amazing right? Right?!" Nami said with hearts in her eyes.

Kaya took a step back and then replied with stress on her face:"Y-yes yes he's so wonderful!"

"Hahahaha~"Nojiko laughed when she watched the interaction between Nami and Kaya.


Far from Syrup Village, in the wide blue sea a ship can be seen with the Marines flag on its sail.

The ship sailed at its maximum speed. On board were the strongest, most experienced and disciplined soldiers in East Blue,and they were led by the famous naval officer------ The White Hunter Smoker!

He was still chasing Ren, Smoker arrived at Cocoyashi Village several hours ago and searched every inch of the island but he didn't find anything about Ren. He even interrogated the villagers there and they all denied the existence of someone with his specifications on the island.

Smoker knew they were covering for him but he couldn't do anything to them. Was he going to arrest some of the weak villagers who still hadn't gotten over the psychological trauma that Arlong and his men had caused them?

Obviously he wouldn't, so Smoker followed the path towards the nearest island-----Suryp village!

"I'll definitely arrest you and make you live the rest of your life behind bars!"Smoker shouted and he smoked his cigarette as usual.

In the back, Tashigi was silent, staring absentmindedly at her sword and recalling her conversation with Ren.

She had been like this ever since she arrived at Cocoyashi Village and saw how the villagers there suffered from injustice and how their savior was the person they were chasing.

She began to think about his words and wonder: Is the justice That I believe in really the right one...?

Ren's words undoubtedly influenced her beliefs.


"OY Usopp, are you sure about this?" Zoro was sitting in the village restaurant with Luffy and Marron while drinking a cup of sake.

"Yes! I'll go to the sea! I'll become a brave sea warrior and bring back Kaya!"

Usopp shouted with determination, he had been greatly mentally traumatized by the previous events and had become filled with hatred and anger towards Ren.

Luffy looked at him with his stupid smile while filling his mouth with meat. He regained his usual cheerful personality and overcame the terrible defeat he suffered under the pretext that the enemy was too strong.

Of course he still wants revenge and repays Ren.

"Then why don't you join us, Usopp?"


"Did you do what I asked you to do Kaya?" Ren asked the blonde girl in front of him.

They were now on board and were about to sail.

"Yes Captain, I told the servants to do it."

He gently stroked her blonde hair and said:"Good this can be considered compensation for the years you spent here"

"Yes...By the way Captain, how did you know that Usopp would join that straw hat man's crew?" Kaya asked.

it was Ren's request that she give them a ship to sail.

As for how Ren knew that she had a ship? He pretended to ask her and then she replied that her servant had designed a ship in the past .

Ren didn't want to tell the truth or go into details and simply said:"This is a conjecture."


Kaya didn't speak further and went to Nami and Nojiko after bidding farewell to Ren.

Left alone, Ren reached the front of the ship and looked at the beautiful blue sea, the sun was shining and warm and the weather was beautiful.



-Name: Ren Konabar

-Age: 27

-Physical Strength Level: 25,300 (D)

-Combat Skills: [Rankyaku (Medium) ]-[God of Weapons (Low) ]-[Sniping (High) ]- [Observation Haki (Low) ]-[Soru (Low) ]-[Geppo (Medium) ]-[ Duel (Low)]-[Armament Haki (Low)]

-Skills: [Weapon Knowledge (Level A) ]-[Divine Massage]-[Summon Underworld Spirit]

-Devil Fruit:None

-Girlfriends:Nojiko Nami

-Crew members Nojiko, Nami , Kaya

-Blood Lin: None


Ren's condition didn't change so much, His physical strength increased by more than 2000 points, which he obtained from the reward of the hidden mission after he used the healing potion on Kaya.

[A/N: See Chapter 31]

His Geppo level also changed from low to medium thanks to the reward he received after killing Kuro.

The rewards he obtained after killing Kuro included an Armament Haki Cake Scroll, a Low Geppo Scroll and another Medium Geppo Scroll.

Also Kaya has been added to the list of "Crew members".

Except for this nothing has changed.

Ren closed the system interface and then went to the girls' gathering place.

"Nami Our next destination is Barati Restaurant Can you find it?"

Nami put her hand on her chin after hearing Ren's words, after a brief moment of thinking she said:"I heard about this restaurant when I was at sea and I know roughly its route, I can find it!"

"Good, as expected from the best navigator in the world" Ren patted Nami on the head who laughed merrily upon hearing him praise her.

"It's time to sail!"

The ship sailed right after Ren's words, Kaya looked at the island where she was born and lived her whole life with affection.

She lived happy and sad moments in that village.

She remembers the events of the past...the death of her parents...kolahadol's care for her...and his truth...

She felt a strong hand on her shoulder. It was Ren's hand, He looked at her gently and said:"From now on you will live a life completely different from your life in the palace...a life where you will always be exposed to danger...Are you ready?"

Kaya smiled gently and then replied in a voice full of determination: "I am ready! I have chosen this path and I'll never regret it."

Ren smiled upon seeing her insistence and said:"That's good."


This conversation was followed by an strange silence, only the sound of birds chirping could be heard and the blue sea was calm, the warmth of the sun hitting the skin of the two people who were staring at each other...

Their faces became closer to each other...

They stare into each other's eyes and their lips are about to touch...

"Captain Ren let's train!"

Nami's voice reached Ren and Kaya's ears, and pretending she didn't see the current situation.


Kaya realized the situation she was in a moment ago and screamed out in shy. She backed away and tried to act as if everything was normal.


Ren looked at Nami who was approaching, Nami smiled beautifully and took his hand and placed it on her chest.

"Brat ,You seem to want punishment, right?" Ren carried her like the princess's arms and said.

"Kyyyyaa!Captain Ren please stop...hehe.."

Nami screamed cheerfully, telling him to stop but in reality she would cry if he did.

Ren used Geppo and ascended into the sky while carrying Nami, Kaya and Nojiko looked at them.

"Captain Ren, what are you going to do to me...?"

No answer from Ren.

"I-i'm sorry,okay? I won't...I won't do it again"

"You won't do what?" Ren said.

"I'll not interrupt you...I'll not interrupt you while you are isolated.."

"It's good that you know your mistake" Ren said and then continued using Geppo to land on the deck.

Ren spent the next few hours practicing swordplay with Nami, while Nojiko practiced her sniping skills, and as for Kaya Ren planned to make her the crew's doctor.


"If you don't have money why are you here, bastard?!"


The angry chef hit the tramp's head on the table and smashed it, then grabbed him and threw him out of the restaurant.

All this happened in front of all the customers.

'Are we in a seaside restaurant with chefs or have we entered a pirate ship by mistake?' they think in their minds.

"Sorry sorry you can continue your meal, I apologize for the inconvenience again."

The chef apologized with a professional smile, then bowed and left to the kitchen.

This scene was seen by a yellow-haired man wearing a black waiter's outfit, the thing that distinguished him was his spiral eyebrows.

He took his cigarette out of his mouth and blew out the smoke, then silently went to the kitchen and rolled up the sleeves of his clothes and began preparing the food.

After he finished, he brought the food to the person lying outside the restaurant, The person ate until he was full and tears fell from his eyes.

He wondered why the cook gave him free food but the latter left before he had the chance for asking


Several hours had passed since Ren had left Syrup Village and they were slowly making their way to their destination.

Ren was sitting in his chair watching the setting sun while Nojiko was on his lap.

He combed her blue hair with his fingers and played with it. Nojiko loved his warm touches and indulged in this feeling in harmony with the sunset that stained the sky with its beautiful orange color.

"I love you..."Nojiko said suddenly, her tone indicating that she was about to fall asleep.

"Me too."

"But it seems it's not bedtime, Nojiko." Ren added.


Nojiko looked at him in surprise.

"We have company."

The white hunter has arrived.