[36]Fallin Of The White Hunter

A moment ago, Ren's Observation Haki spotted a Marine ship with Smoker and Tashigi on board.

The range of Ren's Observation Haki wasn't that great as it was still low but he had no problem spotting the marine ship that was already close to them.

Since the sun was about to set and Nami and Kaya weren't on the deck of the ship, no one paid attention to the marine ship that was waiting for them.

But Ren's Haki did.

"Go call Nami and Kaya quickly." Ren got up from his chair with Nojiko and told her ,she nodded and quickly went inside the ship to tell Nami that a battle was about to happen.

This was the first time she saw Ren serious before going into battle, and it seemed that the enemy this time was strong.

After seeing Nojiko enter the door of the ship's room, Ren stretched his muscles and then quickly used Geppo and flew into the air.

*Bam Bam Bam!*

The sound of it ascending into the sky was heard, Ren looked directly at the marine warship.

On the other side, on the Marine ship.

"That face...it must be Ren wait...it looks like he use Rokushiki! How did he get it?!"Smoker clenched his fist excitedly as he blew out smoke from his cigarette.

Ren's appearance in the air surprised him, he was a trainee at the Marineford Headquarters and of course knew the Six Marine still.

Even he hasn't mastered them yet!

In addition, it is difficult to obtain a guide to practice these skills...and you must have a good master to guide you.

How did the six marines still fall into his hands?And who taught him it?

Many questions were running through Smoker's mind, but he couldn't find any answers to them.

As for Tashigi, she looked at Ren who was flying in surprise like the rest of the marines who were on deck.

But Tashigi's surprise quickly turned into anger, she was about to open her mouth and scream until Smoker's loud voice interrupted her:" bastard, I have finally found you! Do you know that you are wanted by justice? I advise you to surrender yourself and I'll mediate to reduce your sentence thanks to what you did to the people of Kokoyashi Village!"

Ren looked at Smoker coldly and didn't answer, The two ships approached each other, the girls walked out with serious expressions on their faces.

"Looks like we'll fight the marine this time." Nami said in a calm voice, her cursed sword hanging on her waist.

"Hmph! No matter who our enemies are, I'll snipe them if Ren tells me to." Nojiko added and checked her gun.


Kaya remained silent and nervous. For a rich and spoiled girl who lived by the law, she wasn't yet accustomed to this chaotic lifestyle.

"You even created a pirate crew for yourself...what exactly are you planning?" Smoker looked at Ren and said seriously.

After a short period of silence, Ren opened his mouth and replied:"What I do is none of your business Marines, If you want to arrest me you have to bear for it right?"


Smoker shouted, he was surprised by the big words Ren said but not taking them seriously.

He was confident that when he fought Ren he would easily knock him to the ground and end his dreams before they even began!


He was a Devil's Lugia fruit user after all!

In the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line, users of Logia Fruits couldn't be defeated invincible!

This was Smoker's strongest belief and the source of his confidence.

"Hi Miss Tashigi." Ren didn't care about Smoker's screams and instead decided to pay attention to the beautiful girl wearing glasses and carrying a sword.

Tashigi stressed when she heard Ren say her name, but she quickly responded angrily "You tricked me! I didn't think you were a pirate and I helped you get your reward!"

"You didn't ask me if I was a pirate, so I didn't tell you, Miss Tashigi Doesn't that make sense?"

"This..."Tashigi didn't know what to say to refute Ren's words.

"Enough talking to these criminals Tashigi! Everyone arrest these evil pirates!" Smoker shouted.

Immediately after his words, Ren went down to the ground and reached the girls' place and said to them in a low voice: "Kaya, go back to the deck and be careful not to get hurt. Nami and Nojiko you must not kill the marines this time ,You can wound them and injure them but don't kill them, I have plans."

"Ok Captain!"

"As you want Captain!"

They answered with discipline, Kaya backing away from the battlefield as Ren told her.

Obviously, the battlefield will be the deck of the Marine ship.

Ren rushed to Smoker quickly, he used all his speed and reached Smoker in a few seconds which surprised the latter but he still remained calm.

He threw a punch towards Smoker's face, but his fist passed by Smoker's face, part of which dissipated into a white smoke and quickly reformed.

"See? This is the ability of my Logia Fruit, you will never be able to touch me haha-"


Before he could finish his words, Ren threw another punch to Smoker's face, and this time the same scene didn't happen before!

Smoker was directly hit and retreated several meters from his place!

Tashigi and the soldiers who witnessed this were in awe and confusion!


"Don't forget that I'm here!" Nojiko hits a soldier in his shoulder with a bullet as she uses her Geppo to fly into the air.

"This woman is flying!"

"It's like that person who punched Smoker-san!"

"Aim your bullets at her!"

*Bang Bang Bang!*

*Bang Bang Bang!*

*Bang Bang Bang!*

The marines fired a barrage of bullets at Nojiko who was in the air. Nojiko dodged with her Observation Haki and continued to snipe her attackers.





Nojiko didn't forget Ren's words and avoided the vital areas of the soldiers. It was hard but her sniping talent allowed her to do so.

But mistakes were always possible, Nojiko injured some soldiers in their vital areas.

While the bullet battle was going on Tashigi wasn't having a good time, the orange-haired duelist wasn't easy and Tashigi was often pushed back and had to retreat.

"What's the matter? Fight better!" Nami sneered at the girl with glasses as she slashed with her sword towards her chest but was quickly blocked.

Tashigi gritted her teeth and didn't comment on Nami's words, she continued to defend and exchange sword blows with Nami.

"It's the sword that the bastard stole!"

Tashigi looked at Nami's sword and said in surprise, based on the description of the swords that were stolen that day this should be Sendai Kitetsu!

She was fighting the using of Sendai Kitetsu!!

"Bastard?!" Nami screamed in anger. Her sword movements became stronger and more violent, Tashigi realized that she had provoked Nami when she cursed Ren, but remorse was of no use.

She discovered that the girl had been lenient with her before, but this time she seemed to be attacking with full force to kill her!

"Nami! Don't forget what Captain Ren told us!"

Nojiko noticed that Nami wasn't following the plan and scolded her.

"Do you want to Angre the captain?" Nojiko said and made Nami come back to her senses, but she continued to push tashigi's back and not give her any chance to counterattack.

"I'm sorry...I lost my temper for a while.." Nami apologized but Nojiko didn't hear her because she was shooting at her attackers.

Geppo had exhausted a lot of her stamina so she had gone down to the deck of the marine ship a while ago.

Back to Smoker.

He got up from the ground and dusted off his clothes, then stared at Ren in shock.

"That was....Haki!" He took a breath of cold air and fear began to spread in his heart.

Haki! The power that people mastered in the second line of the Grand Line: The New World!

A strange power can suppress Logia users and cause them to lose their fruit's elemental defense!

This makes Logia users lose their advantage when facing someone who has mastered Haki! That's why Smoker was serious and afraid of Ren now.

"Damn...! Don't think I'll lose that easily!"

"The White Fist!!"

Smoker turned into smoke then clenched his fist and headed towards Ren.


Ren avoided Smoker's quick punch but another punch quickly came, and so the punches continued from every direction.

The Punches were flying towards him thanks to the power of the Smoke Devil Fruit.


Smoker threw a punch towards Ren's chest using all of his terrifying physical strength and was about to hit Ren's chest, but the latter quickly gathered his hands in a defensive position to receive the attack.

Ren took several steps back and still bearing the same cold expression on his face.

"Good punch."

Ren said sarcastically as he inspected his wrist which had a red mark on it, indicating the strength of Smoker's punch.

Ren couldn't deliver his Armament Haki to his wrist so he had to take damage directly.

"I'll give you more of these punches since you liked them!"

"I doubt That you can!"Ren responded and then in the next moment kicked the air with his feet.

"It's time for me to get serious! I hope you don't collapse so quickly, White Hunter, make it a good fight!"

"Rankyaku!" After Ren screamed, blue blades shot out as he kicked the air towards the shocked Smoker.





"Shit even he knows this skil! But this won't change anything as long as he can't combine Haki with Rankyaku, I doubt he can do that!"

Smoker's guess was correct, Ren hasn't reached that level of Haki's control yet.

But the purpose of the sharp blades he sent wasn't to cut Smoker, but merely as a distraction!

Rankyaku's blades cut into Smoker's body but didn't hurt him,His body quickly turned into smoke and formed again.


Smoker widened his eyes as he saw Ren disappear in front of him in the blink of an eye and quickly thought:

'This...! It's Soru! This bastard has mastered three of the Six Powers, or may more! I have to make sure that i'llcatch him today-"


Smoker was punched by Ren's Haki-coated fist and fell backwards to be thrown onto the battlefield.

Ren wasn't finished here, he used Soru again to throw another punch at him.

But Smoker is still Smoker, he turned into smoke so he evading Ren's punch and at the same time launching a counterattack.

"White Snake!!!"


Smoker's fist collided with Ren's blades and the fist dispersed into smoke as Rankyaku's power decreased and it hit the deck of the marine ship causing a small damage to it.

The battle between the two continued, Smoker was at a disadvantage, he was always getting punched and getting up again to launch a counterattack with his Fist.


Smoker's fist hit Ren's wrist again and he clearly started to feel pain and some drops of sweat could be seen falling from Ren's forehead.

"You have good stamina White Hunter." Ren said and looked at Smoker who was panting roughly.

"Are you kidding me? If I have good stamina so i should call you a monster! How have you not been tired!?"

Smoker shouted angrily, in fact he felt like Ren was using him as a punching bag for training because he didn't target any vital points when he hit him!

Smoker wasn't stupid, he could see that none of his subordinates were dead, some were in critical condition but there were no deaths,This made him curious about Ren's purpose in all of this.

In fact, Ren will reap many benefits from fighting against Smoker, the first of which is physical strength, and his mastery of Armament Haki will increase after experiencing physical combat against someone close to his physical strength.

As for why he ordered Nami and Nojiko to not kill anyone, this was for one clear reason which is-----Tashigi.

"Enough talking let's get this over quickly." Ren said and then used Soru again to start another round of punches.

On the other side, Tashigi was lying on the ground and Nami was in front of her.

Nami put her sword in front of Tashigi's neck and said:"You have lost! Don't move or I'll kill you! If it weren't for the captain's orders, I would have done this a long time ago!"

Apparently Nami was still angry because the girl called Ren a bastard.

"Damn...I'm weak!" Tashigi gritted her teeth and looked at Nami then said:"W-why Ren told you to not kill me?"

Tashigi noticed that there were no deaths among the marines, she wasn't stupid to believe that this was a coincidence and after hearing Nami's words regarding the captain's request to not kill her she was certain that it was Ren's orders.

"Who knows? ask him later!" Nami answered coldly.

"Ren will be defeated so I didn't have a chance to do this."Tashigi said and there seemed to be some sadness in her tone.

"Losing? You naive girl looks at the state of that one called Smoker."

Nami laughed at her and pointed to a specific place.

"This...Smoker-san!!"Tashigi looked at Smoker who was desperately defending against Ren's punches.

Ren didn't target any vital points for fear of killing his punching bag.





Punch after punch Smoker's suffering and pain increased, Ren felt that he could control his Armament Haki and decided to test how much he improved.

He stopped punching Smoker and backed away a little. Smoker saw that Ren backed down and thought he was tired, so he gathered his strength and desperately threw his fist towards Ren's face.

"White Fist!!"


Ren blocked his punch with his wrist as usual, but this time Ren didn't feel any pain because he surrounded his wrist with Armament Haki and this was something he couldn't do at the beginning of the battle!

Smoker widened his eyes in shock when he felt pain in his fist. One thing that makes a Logia user feel pain is Haki and the Sea Stone. It is clear that Ren used Haki, This means that this bastard is getting better during the Battle!

"How dare you using me like a punching bag!" Smoker shouted and drew his sword made of sea stone.

"Take this!"

At the same time, Ren took out his sword from the infinity space and unsheathed it!


The battle of fists turned into a duel in the blink of an eye.

Smoker was on the verge of collapse and clearly couldn't continue any longer. Ren pushed him back while swinging his sword.

'Damn...I'm losing!' Smoker knew the outcome of this battle and what made him more desperate was seeing his defeated soldiers staring at him with a look of hope.

'Everyone...Tashigi...no I won't lose!'

"I am the white hunter who has never lost against the vile pirates!"

Smoker screamed and got rid of his sword, Ren did the same and returned his sword to infinity space.

"Smoke Fist!!"

Smoker launched their strongest and final attack against Ren.

The scope of the attack wasn't large and was focused on Ren.


The smoke hit the place where Ren was stepping and swept it away with it, Smoker smiled upon seeing this scene ,Tashigi and the injured soldiers too.

Nami and Nojiko remained expressionless and looked at the battlefield covered in smoke resulting from the attack.

Kaya looked at this scene and clasped her hands, praying that Ren would be safe.


Smoker's joy didn't last long, he fell to the ground and all that could be heard was the sound of his screams.

Viewers couldn't see what happened cause of the smoke, which quickly dispersed to reveal a shocking scene.

Ren was standing over Smoker's body with his hands behind his back and didn't appear to be injured.

'Luckily I have Soru and Geppo or that could have been a bit dangerous...'

Ren sighed mentally.

Before the attack reaches him he uses Soru to avoid it, then take advantage of the smoke that covers the battlefield and he uses Geppo to ascend to the sky and land on Smoker's back with a strong kick.

"I lost in the end..."Smoker said sadly as blood came out of his mouth.


"This can't be real!"

"Smoker-san has lost!"

Confusion arose in the injured soldiers as they watched what was happening with shock evident on their faces.

"Hmph! To think that you can catch Captain Ren...that can happen only in your dreams!" Nami said proudly as she looked at Ren who looked so adorable stepping on Smoker.

"Nothing unexpected~as expected from Captain Ren" Nojiko said.

"Hooof! Thank God the captain is fine." Kaya pressed her chest as she saw what was happening from afar.

She was far from the battlefield and watching from the pirate ship.

"No way…"Tashigi looked at this scene in disbelief.

Ren ignored the system notifications that kept ringing in his mind and said:"This is your lost White Hunter."

Marine officer Smoker, nicknamed "The White hunter" met the most dangerous pirate in East Bleu and engaged in a fierce battle with him that ended with the defeat of the White Hunter and all the marines who were with him, This news will spread in East Bleu like wildfire, causing more chaos and turmoil in this sea.