Chapter 291: Beauty Balm Patent

After leaving the hospital, William Cole and Ruth Dawn each went their separate ways home.

Ruth needed to deal with Dawn Sect affairs, while William planned to return to the villa.

Before parting, William wrote down the recipe for the beauty balm, and sent it to Ruth via WhatsApp.

"Is this beauty balm really beautifying? And it fights aging?" Ruth was a bit surprised.

William Cole gave a faint smile: "Of course, it's an ancient recipe I've obtained, and its effects should be pretty good — at least better than the recipes for the beauty balms sold in the market."

"Alright, I'll have someone from the Dawn Sect try and make a batch." Ruth chuckled and accepted it without giving it much thought.

Dawn Sect owned a company that specialized in researching beauty product formulas, and it had a significant market share.

Just over the past year, they had over a hundred billion dollars in domestic orders.