Chapter 292: Your head, at least worth 10 billion!

Gina Torres was speedy.

Using the connections of the Dawn Sect, she had managed to register the patent for the beauty balm by the end of the day.

The next morning, Ruth Dawn called Gina Torres, "Mr. Torres, is the beauty balm I asked for ready?"

After a tiring night soothing her parents, Ruth had finally managed to calm them down.

When she woke up in the morning, to her surprise, she noticed some fine lines appearing around her eyes.

Thus, she immediately thought of the beauty balm formula provided by William Cole.

Gina Torres sounded a bit vague: "Beauty balm? What beauty balm?"

Ruth Dawn was somewhat puzzled: "Mr. Torres, don't tell me you've forgotten because you've been too busy?"

I sent you a formula for beauty balm on WhatsApp yesterday.

I asked you to prepare it as I want to try it today."

"If you forgot to prepare it, that's okay, I can wait for another day." Ruth Dawn's tone was polite, unlike Rose Dawn, who always used her status to pressure others.