I'm not a porcelain doll, I'm a dressed up empress

Her dressing maids rushed about getting Isabelle prepared for the festival play.

Although she obviously wasn't presenting it or participating in it, she would be sitting in a place very prominently on display as she observed the play, and that meant she couldn't just wear something casual like she had during the previous festival outings.

One of the maids fanned out a voluminous gown of blue and gold silk on the bed, smoothing out any creases before returning to fuss over her makeup.

A new, beautifully crafted necklace rested comfortably on her throat and the weight of her crown felt heavier than usual today.

After much primping and preening, the finishing touches were applied to her outfit, including several jeweled pieces attached to her skirt.

Her hair had been elegantly arranged with jewels and pearls, and she'd been covered in subtle but effective makeup.