I'm not an achievment hunter, I'm just a casual

Morning arrived. Met by the sounds of unfamiliar birds singing their morning songs to each other in the rafters of the palace, a cool breeze with just a touch more warmth than the evening had brought, the soft weight of Tenshi's arm around her waist...

And the bap, bap, bapping of her sweet little son's paw on her nose.

It wasn't a violent action, there were no claws or force involved.

Nope, Snowball's little toe beans just bounced and squished on her nose every few seconds.

She peeked an eye open to look up at her little kitten.

Blue eyes stared back down at her, somehow expectant and curious all at once.


Bap. Bap.

When she closed her eyes again and pretended to go back to sleep, her little kitten was having none of it.

"Myaa!" Snowball objected at her. Loudly!