I'm not a kitten whisperer, I'm a Snowball listener

"Snowball~! Snooowbaaall~! Where~ are~ you~?" She didn't know why her little baby cat responded so well to singing, but it was cute, so she did so.

Under the bed, she heard her little kitten mew back at her, like he was joining in singing.

She leaned forward, peering beneath the bed, and there he was!

Cute little head with the fluffiest white fur and a little pink nose just peeking out from behind the skirts of the blankets, and his blue eyes reflecting in the dark.

"Snowball~ My sweet~! Snowball!" She sang for her baby kitten once more, grinning at him.

"Mre-uuuu~!" Snowball's answer back to her included his little legs scuttling and squirming.

Her beautiful little boy stood up and scrambled forward toward his mother, tripping over the blanket and flopping gracelessly toward her.
