I'm not stuck, I'm just very cozy

She probably looked ridiculous crawling under her bed to chase after her playful kitten. Her skirts made it so it was physically impossible to get herself fully under the bed, and so she was half under, half out.

Snowball squeaked so happily every time she nearly managed to catch his tail. He'd turn around, whap her hand with both his paws, and then skitter around under the bed with more energy.

Her efforts to stop his naughty mischief were utterly futile, of course.

None could stop the Snowball when he was playful.

And it was entirely his fault for being so utterly, inarguably, perfectly, undeniably, 100% - no! one...one billion percent...!


She lost a little track of herself there.

What she meant was that he was far too cute.

She chased and tried to catch Snowball, reaching for his fuzzy little tail each time as he evaded capture.