Every time Tenshi set Snowball down, the adorably determined kitten sprinted at him, jumped onto his lap, and pounced his arm again, kitten mauling him.
The fluffball wouldn't take no for an answer, attacking any attempt to get him off as a personal betrayal.
When that failed to work, Snowball leaped toward his head.
Tenshi reached up and snatched him out of the air, gentle but surprisingly fast.
Snowball turned in his grip and headbutted his nose in protest.
He merely sighed and pressed his forehead to the kitten. "...Snowball..."
The kitten's whiskers twitched and his tail swished.
Isabelle could've sworn she heard her kitty 'mrring' as he pushed back into her guardian's head, the same way he would her own.
The small sound made her smile.
As did the adorable little nuzzles Snowball was giving her guardian's face.