I'm not wasting a day away, I'm maximizing free time

She blinked, and looked around. She was in a pile of bodies, her husbands' arms around her, their legs and arms tangled together. The thunderstorm still raged outside. And Snowball.

Snowball curled up in an adorable, furry ball, right atop her shoulder - one of the few spots her husbands hadn't covered. His tiny, fuzzy head was pressed against her ear, and he was purring softly in his sleep.

She could just make him out in the dim light, the way he'd curled up into the smallest ball he possibly could, and the way he'd pressed himself against her ear.

She wasn't certain if he'd curled himself up like that to intentionally lean the top of his head against her ear, or if he'd just slid off of the peak of her shoulder in his sleep until he ended up pressing his body against her ear. But it was nice.